会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


在完成托福听力时偶尔大家会遇到一些感觉既熟悉又陌生的英语习语,习语不同于普通单词能轻易在字典里找到准确含义,必须要大家结合英美文化来理解才能保证准确。以下是一位托福培训名师总结整理的托福IBT听力解题应掌握的300个英语习语,希望给大家的托福听力解题带来帮助。   1. cool off (down) → make or become calm
  2. hold the grudge → having hard feelings
  3. come a long way → show much improvement; make great progress
  4. straighten out → correct a mistake; make you realize you are wrong
  5. once and for all → finally or decisively
  6. put … away → put in the right place or out of sight
  7. out of it → not concerned with, not involved in
  8. bump into → meet by chance; run into
  9. out of stock → lacking a supply of, especially temporarily
  10. per se → in itself
  11. keep to oneself → avoid the society of others
  12. go out of one’s way → make special effort to help somebody or do sth.
  13. put up → accommodate; lodge
  14. under the weather → some what ill; in low spirit
  15. come in handy → prove useful
  16. talk one out of → make one leave off or forego sth. by talking
  17. wait on → serve; attend as a servant
  18. go all out → make one’s utmost effort
  19. on sale → at a reduced price
  20. try out → enter as a competitor
  21. pass up → give up; renounce; reject
  22. on behalf of → as a representative of
  23. stay up → not to go to bed
  24. the odds are → the changes are; the probability is
  25. hold over → postpone
  26. out of order → in the wrong arrangement or condition; not working right
  27. booked up → have no seats or rooms left; have no free time left
  28. fit in → fine tine to see someone
  29. go in one ear and out the other → make no impression
  30. measure up → have the necessary qualifications
  31. change of pace → a temporary shift or variation in the normal routine or regular pattern of activity
  32. run out of → exhaust the quantity or supply of
  33. go by → follow; obey
  34. take it out on → cause someone else to suffer for one’s own misfortune or dissatisfaction
  35. get around to → find the necessary time for
  36. put out → disturb; annoy
  37. (with) flying colors 成功,以优异的成绩
  38. little by little 逐渐
  39. call off 取消
  40. come into 获得,继承
  41. put off 推迟
  42. stop by 顺便看望
  43. tie up 阻碍
  44. be out for 一心谋求,力图获得
  45. fill in for 代替
  46. turn down 拒绝;把音量关小
  47. go off 响起来
  48. cut down 减少
  49. come up with 想出,写出,提供出,找出
  50. make it 成功,达到目标
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 托福考试:听力解题必备习语(2)