会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


  11,burn up 激怒,使生气,使恼火
  -Susan still hasn't gotten her research paper back
  I know and she is really burned up at the professor
  12,break new ground 创新
  -His architecture design brought new ground in the field
  13,break up 使结束或停止,使散开
  -our group broke up at two (主动语态)
  14,bite off more than one can chew 心有余而力不足 ///不自量力,力不从心
  -I hear you taking advanced physics course this semester ,how's it going
  I think I've bitten off more than I can chew bite off :(咬掉)
  15,care for 喜欢,意欲,想要
  -He didn't care for his new tennis racket
  16,come to something ,共计,达到,等于
  -That report I did came to over fifty pages my Godness (My goodness (我的天啊)=Goodness me goodness (仁慈,善良))
  17,catch one's eye -引人注目
  -that beautiful flulian (floor lamp 落地灯) really caught my eye
  18,cheer up -感到高兴,振作起来
  -Morph seems to know just the right things to say to Bob in order to cheer him up
  that's just like her (她就是那样)
  19,come into -获得,得到
  -You know, Andeny has come into a lot of money recently
  Yes, I heard that her relative was generous to her
  20,come out -结束,结果,完成
  -Thirty-six divided by five, No it doesn't come out right
  No problem, we can have one car forword (full with) an extra person in it
  21,carry on 从事,忙于,经营
  -I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages
  I can carry on simple conversation, but that's really about it
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