会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


 1,save one's breath -因说出来没用或没好处而保持沉默,省口气
  -Donna should save her breath because she can't convince her friends
  Save your breath he's out of ear shot earshot
  2,say something about -说明什么有问题
  -It's hard to believe that half the class couldn't do all the exercises, isn’t it Charlie
  I am afraid that says something about our physical fitness (身体状况)
  3,see around -看见什么在附近
  -Have you seen Jam around, we are supposed to play tennis?
  Well, his racket is here on the table
  4,set in  -开始,发生
  -our exercises aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue (疲劳) sets in
  5,set out for  -动身,出发
  -Which hiking trail did Karol's group take?
  I think they set out for the lake
  6,set up  -建立,开设
  -I think I've got six experiments this experiment set up right now
  You only think it's right? In chemistry, you’ve got to be sure
  7,share a common outlook  -有共同的观点
  -Jeff and Alan share a common outlook on life
  8,show off  -炫耀,展示,展览
  -What a show off
  9,show up  -1显现出来
  -How would the snale snail show up in the photographs if they were transparent?
  - 到来,出现
  -Did David show up at the game?
  -The speaker showed up late for his statistic lecture
  -Mike promised he'd help on this rush job, but he never showed up
  Some friend he is
  10,sick of  -对什么厌烦,厌倦
  -he is sick of his job
  11,sign up  -报名参加,参加
  -I am in a chemistry major, but I enjoy join and the course description says that any student can sign up
  -I am signing up for a non-credit(不记学分) string on sanble string ensemble(弦乐合奏) course that needs meets once a week on Wednesday nights
  -I signed up for a month-long course but Katy signed up for the one that's eight weeks
  -Hi, I’d like to signed up for the film selection committee, is this the right place
  Yes it is, there is lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to put a lot of hours, I hope your schedule isn't too tight
  12,sit in on  -列席,旁听
  -Maybe I should sit in on his class some time
  13,six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other -半斤八两,没什么区别
  -I can't decide whether to take anphology anthropology(人类学) or geology this term
  It’s six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other
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