会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24


  ——I’ve been trying to get the furnace started,but I can’t find the right switch.(我尽力想让炉子燃起来,可不知道该按哪个键。)
  ——Here,I believe this one in the back will do the trick.(这里,我相信后面按这个键,可以让炉子燃起来。)
  例:drag one’s feet 行动缓慢;磨磨蹭蹭不情愿
  ——How’s Bob coming along on his dissertation proposal? (Bob的论文计划进展地怎么样了?)
  ——He’s really been dragging his feet.(他很磨蹭的。)
  例:draw the line 拒绝,拒不容忍 外语学习网
  ——Paul expects me to clean the room every week.(Paul想让我每周打扫房间。)
  ——That’s where I draw the line.(可是我绝对不会答应的。
  例:feel down in the dumps 心情不好;情绪低落
  ——Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry assignment.(Kate为最近的化学作业成绩感到很沮丧。)
  例:few and far between 不多;少而分散的;不常碰到或发现的;稀少的
  ——Steve is really a terrific guy.(Steve真是不简单。)
  ——He sure is.Ones like him are few and far between.(当然。像他那样的人可不多见。)
  例:fit as a fiddle 身体很健康
  —— Harry! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.(Harry,你好吗?好久没看见你了。)
  ——I’m fit as a fiddle.This exercise program I’m following is terrific.(我身体好极了。我正进行的这个锻炼计划太棒了。)
  例:grin and bear 任劳任怨;毫无怨言地忍受
  ——Carla,I can’t take this job any longer.(Carla,我不能再做这份工作了。)
  ——If you need the money,you’ll just have to grin and bear it.( 如果你需要钱,你就得忍耐。)
  例:hit the spot (特指吃了食物,喝了饮料之后)精神完全恢复过来或感到满足;恢复精力;提精神
  ——This Lemonade sure hits the spot.(柠檬汁太提神了。) 外语学习网
  ——And how! (当然了!)
  例:keep between the two of us 不让第三者知道,保密
  ——What I’m going to say is rather personal,so let’s keep between the two of us.(我要讲的纯属私事,所以希望你能保密。)
  例:know a thing or two about 略知一二
  ——Do you think Andy could help us plan the camping trip to West Virginia? (你认为Andy会帮我们计划去西弗吉尼亚州野营吗?)
  ——Well,since he spends every summer there,he might know a thing or two about it.(可能吧。他每个夏天都去那儿,应该知道一些事儿。)
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