会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39

托福阅读:2012末日地堡修建中 “船票”只需5万美金

  Abandon any notion of surviving the apocalypse by doing anything as boringly obvious as running for the highest hill, or eating cockroaches. The American firm Vivos is now offering you the chance to meet global catastrophe (caused by terrorism, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, pole shift, Iran, "social anarchy", solar flare - a staggering list of potential world-murderers are considered) in style.
  Vivos is building 20 underground "assurance of life" resorts across the US, capable of sustaining up to 4,000 people for a year when the earth no longer can. The cost? A little over
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查看完整版本: 托福阅读:2012末日地堡修建中 “船票”只需5万美金