会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


Part I:极速词法   1、part n. 部分,角色; 2、guess vt. 猜想,猜测;
  3、can’t get sth. out of one’s mind没法不去想某事; 4、pass the test通过考试;
  5、what have already happened已经发生了的事情; 6、be worried担心,担忧;
  7、relax vt. 放松; 8、know of了解﹍的情况;
  9、around here这附近; 10、anything special特殊要求;
  11、in mind头脑中; 12、someplace某个地方;
  13、area n. 区域,地块;
  14、reasonable adj.(价格)合理的,公道的;
  15、closest adj. 最近的; 16、a 10-minute walk十分钟的步行;
  17、acceptable adj. 可接受的;18、walk down the street沿着街道走;
  19、turn right右转; 20、traffic lights交通灯,红绿灯;
  21、right across the street就在街对面;22、Don’ mention it.不值得一提;
  23、bump into someone 与某人撞了个满怀;
  24、society n. 社会; 25、look 神情,表情;26、shut up闭嘴;
  27、nervous adj. 紧张的; 28、calm down 平静下来;
  29、voice n. 声音
  Part II:极速句法
  Maggie:What a great movie! Wasn’t it funny when he forgot her name?
  Tim:Hmmm…I don’t remember that part.
  Maggie:It was one of the funniest parts of the movie!
  Tim:I wasn’t watching. I guess my mind was somewhere else.
  Maggie:You were thinking of the test again, weren’t you?
  Tim:I just can’t seem to get it out of my mind. I really want to pass the test, Maggie.
  Maggie:I know you do. But look, it’s all over. You can’t change what have already happened, can you?
  Tim:No, I can’t. But still, I’ve worried so much.
  Maggie:Now, relax. Forget all about the test.
  Tim:OK, I’ll try.
  Kenny:Excuse me. We’re looking for a place to have lunch. Do you know of any restaurants around here?
  Old Man:Well, there are a lot of them. Did you have anything special in mind?
  Kenny:Well, not really. Just someplace clean with good food.
  Old Man:Well, you know, this is one of the most expensive areas in Suzhou.
  Kenny:Can you tell me a place that’s reasonable?
  Old Man:The closest place I can think of is a 10-minute walk. It’s supposed to be reasonable, and everyone says the food is acceptable.
  Kenny:How to go there?
  Old Man:Walk down this street, turn right at the second traffic lights. The restaurant is right across the street.
  Kenny:Thanks so much.
  Old Man:Don’t mention it.
  1.What a beautiful view! Thank you, John, for taking me here.—Don’t mention it.
  2.Wasn’t it funny when you bumped into that beautiful girl?
  3.Everyone has a part to play in the society.
  4.This is the most exciting part of the movie.
  5.Sorry, what did you say again? I wasn’t listening. My mind was somewhere else.
  6.I was thinking of that look of hers again.
  7.I’ve tried so hard to forget that look of hers, but I just can’t seem to get it out of my mind.
  8.Look, do you still want this job? If you do, just shut up; if you don’t, let me shut it up for you.
  9.It’s all over, so just forget all about it.
  10.Well, you know, I really can’t change what has already happened.
  11.I can see you are really nervous. Calm down. Sit here and relax yourself.
  12.Do you know of the hotels around here?—Well, did you have anything special in mind?
  13.I think the price is reasonable. Let’s buy it.
  14.Her voice is quite acceptable for the recording.
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