会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


发信人 口水 (口水), 信区: TOEFL
(2001-4-21 21:44:18)

at a time
at all time
at any price
at any time/moment
at best=the most one can expect
at birth
at close range
at ease
at first=initially,at the beginning
at first sight/blush=at first glance;as it first seemed
at length=in gteat detail,over a long time
at hand
at intervals=1,everywhere 2,alternately,intermittently
at issue=there is disagreement about it
at large=in general=generally
at last
at least 1,no less than 2,anyway,in spite of difficulties
at liberty(to do sth)
at maturity=the state of being completely grown physically
at most&at the most=not more than
at odds=in conflict,engaged in a dispute
at once
at one time 1曾经,一度2每次,一次
at present
at rest
at risk
at sea level
at sixes and sevens=in a state of confusion or disorder,in a mass
at someone's request &at the request of
at the end of the day=when everything else has been taken into consideration
at the expense of=to the detriment of ,at the sacrifice of
at the height of (sth)
at the mercy of
at the moment
at the outset
at the peak of
at the sacrifice of
at the same time 1=simultaneously 2=nevertheless,however
at the suggestion of
at war
at will
at work 1,working,busy,2,at one's place of work
atmospheric pressure
atone for=ask for forgiveness
attach to 1,fasten/fix (sth) on or to (sth) 2,be strongly tied to emotionally,be fondof,3,consider... to important
attendance required
attired in =dressed in
attract (sb) to=draw to
attribute to
averse to=against
avert from
await publication
awake (sb) to (sth)
away from one's desk=not available for a telephoneconversation/call
baby boom
back an forth
back down=give up,give in
back up=collect in a place because sth is preventinf it from moving
ban (n.) on
bare (adj.) of
bare feet
base on/upon
battle against
be/get tired of
be a must
be absorbed in
be abundant in
be addicted to
be at someone's service
be aware of
be beat
be besieged by/wit
be better off(doing sth)=be in a better position if sth. was done
be blind to=be unwilling to recognize a problem
be bole to =dare to
be born into=come from(family)
be born of (come from)
be born to=have a natural ability or tendency to
be bound for=head towards;intend to arrive at
be bound to (do sth)=be certain to
be bound up with=be close connected with or related to (sth)
be broke
be busy with=be occupied by
be capable of
be carpeted with=be covered with
be cautious to
be certain of
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