会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


  Researchers have found that peoples' mental abilities peak at 22 before beginning to deteriorate just five years later.
  Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent or reverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners.
  Almost half of over 50s 'unaware of leading cause of blindness'" Results converge on a conclusion that some aspects of age-related cognitive decline begin in healthy, educated adults when they are in their 20s and 30s," he said.
  The study of 2,000 men and women lasted over seven years. The respondents, aged between 18-60, were asked to solve visual puzzles, recall words and story details and spot patterns in letters and symbols.
  该研究持续七年之久,共对两千名18岁至60岁之间的男性和女性进行了调查。研究人员要求调查对象做图形猜谜,复述单词和故事细节,以及指认字母和符号类型等各项测试中 华 考 试 网
  Similar tests are often used to diagnose mental disabilities and declines, including dementia.
  The research by the University of Virginia found that in nine out of 12 tests the average age at which the top performance was achieved was 22.
  The first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27 – for three tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation. Memory was shown to decline from the average age of 37. In the other tests, poorer results were shown by the age of 42.
  However, the report published in the academic journal Neurobiology Of Ageing, found that abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until at the age of 60.
  Twenty-seven has long had negative connotations, as it is the age at which many popular musicians died, including Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain.
  visual ['vizjuəl]adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的
  dementia n. 痴呆
  general information:基本知识
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