会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39


Thousands of people massed around Wall Street to mark the Occupy Wall Street movement's two-month anniversary Thursday, blocking streets and in some instances clashing with police, as similar protests popped up around the country.

Protesters paraded through Lower Manhattan, and 177 people were arrested as they crowded intersections near the New York Stock Exchange, brokerage houses and banks. Seven police officers and 10 protesters were injured, according to New York City officials.

Demonstrations were also planned or under way in cities such as Los Angeles, Washington, and Portland, Ore. And police in Dallas and Berkeley, Calif., moved to clear out encampments early Thursday.

Earlier Thursday, protesters in New York encountered police barricades at the entrances to Wall Street, and some sat on the ground or linked arms to block commuters trying to reach the area for the start of the work day. Police at some locations checked identification before allowing workers to cross onto Wall Street.

Some of the police hit and shoved protesters in an effort to clear the way, and one woman pinned to the ground by police was bleeding from her mouth.

Ms. Ferrari, a Queens resident who works as an artist and graphic designer, said police moved aggressively to clear the sidewalk, pushing and knocking over some protesters.

David Fuffman, 30, a protester from Baltimore, explained the reasoning for blocking workers from entering Wall Street. 'I think it's an issue of disruption of the status quo,' he said. 'People trying to get through make them think twice about what they do every day. You also don't have to be in the 99% to not like the way things are going.'

Thursday's protest activities began after 7 a.m., as a crowd gathered around Zuccotti Park. Organizers called on supporters to march from there to Wall Street.

Police used motorcycles and other vehicles to block the march's progress on Nassau Street, where a mass of demonstrators chanted 'We are the 99%.' Elsewhere, police on horseback worked to control the crowd.

Craig Ruttle/Associated Press数百名纽约警察和环卫工人周二突袭“占领华尔街”运动大本营祖科蒂公园。被驱逐的抗议者与警察发生冲突,数十人被捕。抗议者游行穿过曼哈顿下城,人们聚集在纽约证券交易所、经纪公司和银行附近的十字路口,有177名抗议者被捕。据纽约市官员说,有七名警官和10名抗议者受伤。




来自巴尔的摩的30岁抗议者霍夫曼(David Fuffman)解释了阻止上班的人进入华尔街的理由。他说,我认为这是为了打乱现状,让那些试图通过的人好好想想他们每天做的事,而且,就算你不是社会底层的99%的普通大众,也可能对现状不满。

周四的抗议活动开始于早上七点后,一群示威者聚集在祖科蒂公园(Zuccotti Park)附近。组织者呼吁支持者从祖科蒂公园游行至华尔街。

警方在纳苏街(Nassau Street)上用摩托车和其他车辆来阻止游行队伍前进,一大群示威者高呼“我们是底层的99%”。在其他地方,则有骑警在控制人群。
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