会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39


考点二 最高级前的限定词
(1) 形容级做定语时, 最高级前通常要加定冠词the ,如:
the most important thing, the biggest elephant
但当最高级前有物主代词时,不需加the, 如:
my latest hobby, her most interesting experience
(2) 形容词作表语时,最高级前通常不加限定词
如:She looks happiest whenever you are around.
   Excuse me, but I'm busiest at the moment.
(1) Of all the Native Americans in the United States, the Navajos form largest group.
应改为: form the largest
解释: largest是最高级, 作group的定语, 之前必须加定冠词the

考点三 范围词
伴随最高级出现的往往有表示范围的词或短语,常用of 或among或 in 引导, 表示“在….之中”。 如:of all, in the world, in the country等, 在填空题的题干中包含表示范围的词时,空格处需填最高级
The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2, 020 miles from Maine to Georgia, is thelonger continuous marked footpath in the world.
解释:本句有范围词in the world, 则定冠词the 之后应采用形容词最高级形式
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