会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39


考点二 谓语动词
1. 主谓结构十分重要,谓语动词则是要点中的要点,国不可一日无君,句子不可缺少谓语动词。象祈使句可以没有主语,但却少不了谓语动词。
2. 一个句子当中可能出现多个动词形式,却未必而且往往不都是谓语动词,必须掌握确定谓语动词的方法,才能从容解题。
一般说来能够决定句子的时态、语态、语气的词就是谓语动词,如:studies, was known, is reading, has achieved, must be, can make等形式的动词肯定是谓语;单独的分词、不定式都属于非谓语形式,如:broken, ringing, to look after
例句: Having thought for a while, she decided to forgive the man caught stealing her diamond.
此句中有四个动词结构,但只有decided是谓语形式,其他分别为分词作状语(having thought)、不定式作宾语(to forgive)、分词作定语(caught stealing)
3. 谓语专一原则
(1) 简单句中只允许存在一个谓语动词,其余动词必须是非谓语形式,如上面的例句。
英文中切忌:两个谓语形式的动词直接连接(尤其是be动词不能和实意动词连用,is do是绝不可能出现的),或以逗号连接
(2) 确实需要多个谓语时需用连词, 或主从句形式加以连接(分号也可)
如: She looked and smiled.
   He will give you some advice; he may even help you do it.
(3) 值得注意的是并列句中的每个分句及主从句中的每个简单句仍需遵循谓语专一原则。
In a representative democracy, the people election delegates to an assembly.
解释:election是名词, 不能作谓语, 更不能带宾语delegates, 故改为动词elect.
 Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managing everything from fishing to banking.   
应改为:have managed.
解释:分词managing不能单独作谓语, 句首的since提示应用现在完成时
The edible tube mushroom ----a cushionlike, moist cap that is light brown or darkish red.
(A) which has
(B) to have
(C) having
(D) has
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