会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Money for Sports Activities A student’s education does not only consist of learning academic subjects. It is also important for students to develop other skills, such as teamwork, and healthy habits that will last them a lifetime. One way to do this is to encourage more participation in sports activities. Although it is important to provide adequate funding for academic services such as the school library, I believe it is important to fund sports activities equally. A student’s primary education goal is to pursue knowledge. Therefore, the school library is very important. However, the resources that a library buys are long-lasting. In addition, students now have resources other than the school library to support their studies. For example, many have their own computers and access to the Internet. Sports activities, on the other hand, require some investment every year. Equipment wears out and needs to be replaced more often than library resources. Furthermore, a school that provides good athletic equipment for its students will find that they are more willing to participate in physical activities. Since these activities are also an important part of their education, the importance of good equipment cannot be ignored. Ideally, a school should provide its students with a well- balanced education that helps them develop all of their skills. For this reason, it is important that schools do not ignore sports activities. Setting aside more money for these activities will help schools to develop better physical education programs and encourage more students to participate in them.
资助体育活动 学生的教育不是只有各学科的学习。对学生而言,培养其他技能也是很重要的,例如团队合作以及可终身受益的健康习惯。达到此项目标的方法之一是鼓励学生多参加体育活动。虽然提供充足的经费资助学术性设施,如图书馆,是很重要的,但我认为,资助体育活动也同样重要。学生受教育的主要目标是追求知识,因此,学校图书馆非常重要。然而,图书馆所购买的资源是可以长期使用的。此外,现在学生除了学校图书馆之外,也有其他的资源可协助他们的学习。例如,许多学生都有自己的电脑,并且可以使用互联网。而另一方面,体育活动则每年都需要一些经费投资。运动器材会耗损,因此比图书馆的资源更需要经常更换。此外,学校如果为学生提供良好的运动器材,就会发现学生会比较愿意参加体育活动。因为这些活动也是教育很重要的一部分,所以良好的运动器材的重要性是不容忽视的。
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