会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10


  81.恶化 worsen (aggravate,deteriorate)
  82.夸大 exaggerate ( overstate)
  83.限制 restrain (constrain,confine)
  84.拆除 tear down(knock down,pull down)
  85.加速 accelerate (speed up,precipitate)
  86.占优势 predominate (dominate)
  87.分辨 distinguish (differentiate,discern)
  88.抵消 counteract (offset,cancel out)
  89.开展 launch (conduct,carry out)
  90.颁布 enact (enforce,promulgate )
  91.生活节奏 pace of life(rhythm of life,tempo of life)
  92.影响 influence(effect,impact)
  93.差异 difference (distinction,gap)中 华 考 试 网
  94.交流 communicate(exchange,associate)
  95.接触 have access to (make contact with,keep in touch with)
  96.优先 give priority to (put…into first place)
  97.节约 economize ( conserve,cherish)
  98.参与 participate in ( take part in,engage in)
  99.措施 measure (step,action)
  100.注意 beware ( prevent,guard against
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