会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42


11. Of the three options for foreign distribution, the licensing
proposal from that British company was considered -----.
(A) most feasible
(B) more feasibly
(C) most feasibly
(D) more feasible
12. After years of scepticism, many western physicians are beginning
to acknowledge the health ----- of green tea.
(A) would benefit
(B) benefitting
(C) is benefited
(D) benefits

13. While many recognize the need for strong environmental
legislation, ----- people are willing to reduce their own
consumption and waste.
(A) less
(B) much
(C) few
(D) another

14. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties in a dispute and
not allow personal prejudice or opinion to affect his or her
(A) objection
(B) objective
(C) objects
(D) objectively

15. In order to encourage participation, several ----- were awarded
to competitors who did not do well in their contests.
(A) victories
(B) achievements
(C) prizes
(D) requests

16. You can tell how much they value privacy by how far ----- people
sit in movie theaters.
(A) above
(B) off
(C) apart
(D) behind

17. Because the fire damage was mainly cosmetic, rather than
structural, the company looks forward to being fully ----- again
within a couple of weeks.
(A) operative
(B) operates
(C) operation
(D) operational

18. -----, local firms are re-locating because of the heavy tax
rates in this county.
(A) Approximately
(B) Mostly
(C) Significantly
(D) Increasingly

19. The boxers may have appeared angry in the ring, but in fact they
have a great deal of respect and admiration for -----.
(A) ones
(B) the others
(C) others
(D) each other

20. We will ----- be implementing a whole range of security measures
to curtail petty theft in the office.
(A) recently
(B) soon
(C) just
(D) already
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