会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42


  11。The first glass factory _____ the North American continent was started in Jamestown,Virginia,in 1607。
  (A)established on
  (B)being established
  (C)was established on
  (D)that established it
  12。_____ in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water。
  (A)Plants are widely spaced
  (B)The spacing of plants is wide
  (C)Plants to be spaced widely
  (D)The wide spacing of plants
  13。In addition to painting highly acclaimed portraits,Mary Cassatt was _____ to several major art collectors。
  (A)to advise
  (B)an adviser
  14。Springwater is _____ clean。,since it has been filtered through permeable rocks,but all spring water contains some dissolved minerals。
  (A)generally fair
  (B)generally fairly
  (C)in general fair
  (D)general and fair
  15。All eels spawn in the sea,the eggs hatching into transparent,ribbonlike larvae _____,feeding until they metamorphose into small eels。
  (A)that drift about
  (B)drift about
  (C)about drifting
  (D)drift about them
  16。Citrus fruits thrive in quite very tropical climates。
  A B C D
  17。Carson McCullers was fame for her novels about life in the small towns of the
  A B C D
  southern United States。
  18。Because the atmosphere of Mars is so thin。Wind velocities of several hundred
  A B C
  kilometers per hour are required to raised dust particles during dust storms。
  19。Lumbering。The remove of timber from the forest,is a major industry in the
  A B C D
  Northwest region of North America。
  20。The asphalt deposits of La Brea Tar Pit in California have yielded fossils of
  A B
  numerous animal of the Pleistocene epoch,including the giant ground sloth。
  C D
  21。Located in the center of the continental United States and known for its endless
  A B
  wheat fields,Kansas is one of the nation‘s leading agriculturally states。
  C D
  22。An intrinsic part of the sound structure of poet,the repetition of a consonant
  A B
  soundorsounds,may also be exhibited in prose。
  C D
  23。People feel uncomfortable when the humidity rises over 60percent because
  A B
  perspiration cannot evaporate quickly enough for the body to rid themselves of excess heat。C D
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