会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  slip n。 slide; skid; trip; stumble; mistake; blunder; error; type of woman‘s undergarment; small piece of material (esp。 paper); twig that is cut and used to grow a new plant; mixture of clay and water (used to decorate pottery); fabric covering
  slip v。 to glide; to move smoothly and easily; to sneak; to move quietly; to slide; to move slowly from one position to another; to decline; to deteriorate; to make a mistake; to err; to removeorput on quickly (of clothes); to escape; to avoid
  slogan n。 motto; phrase which summarizes the principles of a groupororganization; catchword; attention getting phrase used in advertising; Scottish battle cry
  slope n。 side of a hill; incline; upwardordownward slant; degree to which a surface deviates from the vertical
  slope v。 to incline; to slant upwardordownward; to cause to tilt
  sloppy adj。 of, resembling,orcovered with slop; muddyorslushy; marked by a lack of neatnessororder; untidy; marked by a lack of careorprecision; slipshod
  slot n。 notch; narrow opening; place; position (within a system, etc。)
  slot v。 to notch; to groove; to assign to a placeorposition (in an organization, system, etc。)
  slump n。 recession; sudden decrease; drooping posture; slouch; collapse; period of time in which performance is poor
  slump v。 to fall; to collapse; to droop; to slouch; to decline; to decrease; to deteriorate; to sink down; to settle
  smash n。 to break (something) into pieces suddenly, noisily, and violently; shatter; to strike with a heavy blow; batter; to crushordestroy completely
  smash v。 the actorsound of smashing; total defeatordestruction; ruin; financial failure; bankruptcy
  smoothly adv。 gently; without roughnessorprojections; evenly; without obstructions; without problemsordifficulty; calmly; suavely
  smudge n。 a blotchorsmear; a smoky fire used as a protection against insectsorfrost
  smudge v。 to make dirty, especially in one small area; to smearorblur (something)
  snag n。 a rough, sharp,orjagged protuberance; an unforeseenorhidden obstacle
  snag v。 to tear, break, hinder,ordestroy byoras if by a snag
  snap adj。 madeordone suddenly, with littleorno preparation
  snap n。 a sudden sharp cracking soundorthe action producing such a sound; a sudden breaking; a sudden attempt to bite, snatch,orgrasp
  snap v。 to make a brisk sharp cracking sound; to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound; to speak abruptlyorsharply; to move swiftly and smartly
  snatch n。 a quick grasporgrab; a brief period of time; a small amount; a bitorfragment
  snatch v。 to grasporseize hastily, eagerly,orsuddenly; to grasporseize illicitly
  sneakers n。 sports shoe; one who moves about stealthily; one who acts furtively
  soar v。 to fly at a great height; to glide; to fly upward; to ascend; to increase; to rise
  software n。 programs which control the functions of a computer‘s hardware
  solace n。 consolation; relief from distress; source of comfort
  solace v。 to comfort; to console; to encourage; to relieve; to appease
  solely adv。 only; exclusively; merely
  solicit v。 to try and obtain something through persuasionorearnest requests; to attempt to convince someone to giveordo something; to try to influence another to commit an illegal act; to offer sex in exchange for money
  solitary adj。 existing, living,orgoing without others; alone; happening, done,ormade alone; having no companions; lonesome&nb
  slip n。 slide; skid; trip; stumble; mistake; blunder; error; type of woman‘s undergarment; small piece of material (esp。 paper); twig that is cut and used to grow a new plant; mixture of clay and water (used to decorate pottery); fabric covering
  slip v。 to glide; to move smoothly and easily; to sneak; to move quietly; to slide; to move slowly from one position to another; to decline; to deteriorate; to make a mistake; to err; to removeorput on quickly (of clothes); to escape; to avoid
  slogan n。 motto; phrase which summarizes the principles of a groupororganization; catchword; attention getting phrase used in advertising; Scottish battle cry
  slope n。 side of a hill; incline; upwardordownward slant; degree to which a surface deviates from the vertical

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44


  slope v。 to incline; to slant upwardordownward; to cause to tilt
  sloppy adj。 of, resembling,orcovered with slop; muddyorslushy; marked by a lack of neatnessororder; untidy; marked by a lack of careorprecision; slipshod
  slot n。 notch; narrow opening; place; position (within a system, etc。)
  slot v。 to notch; to groove; to assign to a placeorposition (in an organization, system, etc。)
  slump n。 recession; sudden decrease; drooping posture; slouch; collapse; period of time in which performance is poor
  slump v。 to fall; to collapse; to droop; to slouch; to decline; to decrease; to deteriorate; to sink down; to settle
  smash n。 to break (something) into pieces suddenly, noisily, and violently; shatter; to strike with a heavy blow; batter; to crushordestroy completely
  smash v。 the actorsound of smashing; total defeatordestruction; ruin; financial failure; bankruptcy
  smoothly adv。 gently; without roughnessorprojections; evenly; without obstructions; without problemsordifficulty; calmly; suavely
  smudge n。 a blotchorsmear; a smoky fire used as a protection against insectsorfrost
  smudge v。 to make dirty, especially in one small area; to smearorblur (something)
  snag n。 a rough, sharp,orjagged protuberance; an unforeseenorhidden obstacle
  snag v。 to tear, break, hinder,ordestroy byoras if by a snag
  snap adj。 madeordone suddenly, with littleorno preparation
  snap n。 a sudden sharp cracking soundorthe action producing such a sound; a sudden breaking; a sudden attempt to bite, snatch,orgrasp
  snap v。 to make a brisk sharp cracking sound; to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound; to speak abruptlyorsharply; to move swiftly and smartly
  snatch n。 a quick grasporgrab; a brief period of time; a small amount; a bitorfragment
  snatch v。 to grasporseize hastily, eagerly,orsuddenly; to grasporseize illicitly
  sneakers n。 sports shoe; one who moves about stealthily; one who acts furtively
  soar v。 to fly at a great height; to glide; to fly upward; to ascend; to increase; to rise
  software n。 programs which control the functions of a computer‘s hardware
  solace n。 consolation; relief from distress; source of comfort
  solace v。 to comfort; to console; to encourage; to relieve; to appease
  solely adv。 only; exclusively; merely
  solicit v。 to try and obtain something through persuasionorearnest requests; to attempt to convince someone to giveordo something; to try to influence another to commit an illegal act; to offer sex in exchange for money
  solitary adj。 existing, living,orgoing without others; alone; happening, done,ormade alone; having no companions; lonesome&nb sp;orlonely
  solve v。 to find the answer to; to explain
  somber adj。 gloomy; dark; depressing; sad; glum; mournful; very serious
  sophisticated adj。 seasoned; worldly-wise; refined; cultured; complex; intricate; complicated
  sound adj。 whole; healthy; in good condition; sane; firm; having a solid foundation; secure; valid; reasonable; thorough; moral; trustworthy; having common sense; conservative
  sound n。 vibrations that can be detected by the human ear; noise; vocal utterance; range in which something can be heard; implication; meaningless noise
  souvenir n。 a token of remembrance; a memento
  spa n。 a resort providing therapeutic baths; a resort area having mineral springs
  spacious adj。 generousorlarge in areaorextent; roomy; vast in rangeorscope
  span n。 length; distance; duration; period of time; section between two bridge supports; wing span; distance between the tip of an outstretched thumb and little finger; unit of length equal to the space between thumb and little finger
  span v。 to extend across; to stretch from one point another; to bridge; to measure with an extended hand; to surround with the handorhands
  specialize v。 to devote oneself to a particular professionorfield of study; to adapt to a particular environment (Biology); to limit; to restrict; to make special

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:45


  specialty n。 distinguishing mark; unique ability; field in which one specializes; area of expertise; something having special qualitiesorworth
  specification n。 itemordetail included in a description of requirementsorplans; detailed written description of an invention submitted in a patent request
  specify v。 to describe clearly; to indicate; to itemize; to mark; to designate; to stipulate
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