会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  R to award compensation for; make a return for
  reconsider v to contemplate again
  reconstruct v to construct again; rebuild; to assemble or build again mentally; re-create; to cause to adopt a new attitude or outlook
  recover v to get well; to get back; to regain; to obtain again
  recovery n recuperation; getting well; return
  recruit n new member of a group; one who is newly enlisted or drafted into the armed forces
  recruit v to enlist or draft new members ; to gain; to obtain; to procure
  recruitment n act of enlisting or drafting new membersrectangle n parallelogram
  rectify v to fix; to repair; to correct; to calibrate; to adjust
  redemption n the act of redeeming or the condition of having been redeemed; recovery of something pawned or mortgaged; the payment of an obligation, as a government‘s payment of the value of its bonds
  refer v to send; to direct; to ascribe to; to relate to; to pertain to; to apply to; to call attention to; to allude to
页: [1]
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