会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  safety n freedom from danger; quality of not causing injury or loss
  salient adj conspicuous; bulging outward; protruding; remarkable; noticeable
  salient n angle that points outward; narrow piece of land that projects outward from the surrounding surfacesalvage n act of rescuing; rescued items
  salvage v to save from destruction; to rescue
  sanitary adj hygienic; clean; healthy; promoting hygiene or cleanliness; pertaining to cleanliness; pertaining to sanitation
  satisfaction n appeasement of a desire; gratification of a need; feeling of gratification; pleasure; contentment; compensation; remuneration; placation; appeasement; fulfillment
  satisfy v to fulfill; to meet a request or requirement; to compensate; to remunerate
  savvy n understanding; wisdom; intelligencesaw n tool for cutting consisting of a toothed blade; saying; maxim; proverb
  saw v to cut with a toothed blade
  scale n progression of steps; table of graduated rates; system of marks used for measuring; flake; one of many thin plates forming a protective covering; weighing device
  scale v to climb; to ascend; to weigh; to do according to a particular ratio; to remove flakes or scales; to become covered in timescale; to change the size of something; to adjust the size of a picture; to resize a picturescan n close examination; scrutinizing look; computerized images created by an optical scanner ; computerized image of the human body created through the use of medical imaging techniquesscan v to convert an object or image into a digital image using an optical scanner ; to browse; to glance at quickly; to examine a body part through the use of medical imaging techniques ; to determine the meter of a verse
  scanner n peripheral device used to convert objects or images into digital imagesscatterbrained adj unable to think in a clear and orderly manner; giddy or frivolous
  scene n place where an event occurs; vista; view; outburst of excited emotion; division in a play; scenery; backdrop; setting; locale; episode of a story; sphere of activity; situation;scenery n view; vista; panorama; set; backdrop used onstage to portray a particular setting or locale
  schedule n timetable; agenda; itinerary; plan
  schedule v to create a timetable; to enter into a timetable; to plan for a certain date
  scope n range; extent; sphere; area; space; expanse; opportunity or room for action and thought
  scramble n climb over rough terrain; struggle for possession; disorderly or chaotic proceeding
  scramble v to mix while cooking ; to jumble; to mix together confusedly; to clamber; to climb on all fours; to struggle; to bustle; to hasten; to collect in a disorderly fashion
  scrap n a small piece or bit; a fragment; discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing;leftover bits of food
  scrap v to break down into parts for disposal or salvage; to discard as worthless or sell to be reused as parts; junk
  scratch n abrasion; cut; small laceration; score of zero; starting line for a race; cash;scratch v to rub; to make a small cut or laceration; to scrape with the fingernails to relieve an itch; to make a grating sound; to achieve or obtain with difficulty; to delete; to cross out
  screen v to cover with a curtain; to filter; to sift; to hide; to conceal; to separate; to divide; to protect; to shield; to project a film; to show a movie
  scribble n careless hurried writing; meaningless marks and lines
  scribble v to write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style; to cover with scribbles, doodles, or meaningless marks
  scrupulous adj moral; adhering to ethical principles; precise; strict; exact
  scrutinize v to examine; to investigate; to check closely; to inspectseamlessly adv smoothly; continuously; inconspicuously
  season v to spice; to flavor; to accustom; to acclimatize; to cause another person to become experienced; to become experienced; to dry wood in preparation for use
  seclude v to set or keep apart, as from social contact with others; to screen from view; make private
  security n safety; protection; defense; act of making safe; pledge; guarantee; stock; bond; freedom from danger; serenity; tranquility

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44


  segment n part; portion; slice; piece
  segment v to partition; to be partitioned
  segregate v to separate or isolate from others or from a main body or group; to impose the separation offrom the rest of society
  self-employed adj independent; independent contractor; business owner; person who is not a hired laborer
  semester n one of the two periods of an academic year
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