会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  同样重要的还有卡扎菲在2003年作出的决定,即允许英美专家参与其秘密武器研制计划,透露了一大批令人意外的全球走私网络情报。美国人得意地说,利比亚的幡然悔悟应成为某些国家的榜样,比如伊朗和朝鲜。(译者按:“change of heart”表示“change in attitude”,即“态度的转变”、“看法的转变”。既然美国人是“炫耀”,所以在他们看来,利比亚这是一种“悔悟”。)
  Still, why the rush to e________④ ambassadors? One reason may be a rising feeling in Tripoli that being nice to America has brought little reward. (5)Rumblings of dissent, such as Mr Ibrahim's speech, may have prompted the Americans to make a gesture to prevent Mr Qaddafi from again slipping out of the fold. This week President Bush sent Congress a report on Libya which should lead to its removal from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
  可是,两国为什么要急于互派大使呢?原因之一可能是的黎波里愈发觉得善待美国对自己没什么好处。风传的种种不和谐声音,比如易布拉希姆的讲话,对美国人而言是一个鞭笞:要想防止卡扎菲再度背道而驰,就必须有所表示。(译者按:“the fold”的意思是“the group of people that you belong to and share the same beliefs and ideas as”,“同道之人”。)本周布什总统给国会递交了一份关于利比亚的报告,利比亚从恐怖主义援助国的名单中被去掉的日子应该为时不远了。
  1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):
  ①g________(n. a meeting of a group of people)
  ②t________(vt. to deliberately frighten people by threatening to harm them)
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