会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  Pressure to switch diplomatic recognition lay behind Mr Chen's visit. “People see China's economic b________(E) as an opportunity, but its voracious appetite for energy and raw materials should be treated with caution,” he said. He unveiled a $250m fund to encourage Taiwanese firms to invest in the island's Latin American diplomatic allies. “We are talking about an investment plan. This is not dollar diplomacy,” said Mr Chen. (4)Perish the thought.
  陈水扁是顶着巴拉圭人意欲转变外交认可态度带来的压力前往访问的。他说:“人们把中国的经济繁荣看成是一种机遇,但应谨慎对待中国对能源和原材料的巨大需求。”他透露,将赞助2.5亿美元,鼓励台湾公司到拉丁美洲台岛“邦交”国投资。陈水扁说:“我们正就一项投资计划进行商讨。这不是美元外交。”想得美哦!(“Perish the thought”是一句口语,表示“希望某人说的话永远不会发生”,如果是好事,就可以理解成“想得美”或“得了吧”或“做梦吧,你!”,如果是坏事,则表示“但愿不会”、“打消这念头”!等等。文章最后给出这样的评论,颇有讽刺意味。事实上,众所周知,以陈水扁为首的人搞的就是“美元外交”,他说“不是”,作者自然要“嗤之以鼻”了。对付这种外交方式最好的方法就是“以毒攻毒”,所谓魔高一尺,道高一丈。)
  (A)l________(adj. surrounded by other countries and having no coast)
  (B)g________(adj. willing to give money in order to help people)
  (C)g________(n. a big difference between two amounts, groups of people, etc)
  (D)a________(vt. to put all the parts of something together)
  (E)b________(n. a quick increase of business activity; opposite to “slump”)
  1.homage n. something you do to show respect for someone or something you think is important 尊崇,效忠(pay homage to对……毕恭毕敬)
  2.ailing adj. an ailing company, organization or economy is having a lot of problems and is not successful困难重重的(公司、组织、经济);境况不佳的
  3.voracious adj. eating or wanting large quantities of food贪吃的;贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的
  如:Kids can have voracious appetites.小孩会很贪吃。
  1. 翻译参见译文,不妥之处欢迎商榷。
  2. (A)landlocked 内陆的;(B)generous 慷慨的,大方的;(C)gap 差距;(D)assembles 组装;(E)boom 快速增长;繁荣
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