会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


  Paraguay has failed to turn this charity into a development partnership. In 1990, the average Taiwanese was three times better off than the average Paraguayan; now the g________(C) is more than sevenfold. Of the 10,000 Taiwanese who migrated to Paraguay, many of them in the 1980s, only half remain. Taiwanese investment comprises little more than an ailing industrial park—partly because skilled labour is short. (2)Taiwanese experts have passed on technical advice, but their lessons were ignored, says Carlos Paris, a trade official.
  然而,巴拉圭没能将这种施舍转变为一种发展伙伴关系(没有与台湾一起实现同步发展)。1990年,台湾人平均收入是巴拉圭人的3倍,现在差距已经超过7倍。移民到巴拉圭的一万名台湾人中,许多都是上世纪80年代去的,如今只剩半数还继续留在巴拉圭。台湾的投资也大多集中在一个工业园,现已每况愈下,部分是因为缺乏技术熟练的劳工。贸易官员卡洛斯?巴黎说,台湾专家提供了很多技术方面的建议,但是却没有传授任何经验。(“pass on”意为“传递”,在本句中是指“先后”有很多专家前往巴拉圭进行技术指导,也就是技术援助。“be ignored”的主语也应该是“台湾专家”,就是说,这些台湾专家只给巴拉圭从技术方面建言献策,但他们“忽视了”介绍自身工作积累的一些经验和教训,于是乎,没有前车之鉴,巴拉圭就难免总是摔跟头了。意思是明白了,语言组织是一件难事,凑合着看吧。)
  (3)Meanwhile, China looms larger. Last year, it supplied a quarter of Paraguay's imports, second only to Brazil. It buys much of the country's soya crop. For some Paraguayans, such as Jorge Samaniego, whose factory a________(D) Chinese motorcycles, lack of diplomatic ties is becoming a problem. It makes it harder for his Chinese suppliers to visit.
  与此同时,中国越来越势不可挡。(“loom large”是指“to seem important, worrying, and difficult to avoid”,意思是“似乎很重要,令人焦虑,而且不可避免”)去年,中国占巴拉圭进口总额的四分之一,仅次于巴西。中国还收购了该国一多半的大豆作物。巴中之间缺少邦交关系,已经成为困扰某些巴拉圭人的一个难题,比如乔治?萨马尼戈,他的工厂负责组装中国摩托车,可就是因为这个问题使得中国供应商前来访问难上加难。
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