会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43


back up v. to support; to solidify; to strengthenbacklash n. rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rearbackup n. copying of data for safety purposes; substitute; reserve; sparebadge n. tag; sign; identification tagbaggage n. luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipmentbalance n. leveling; harmony; stability; rest; remainderbalance v. to make equalbank draft n. checkbanknote n. bill; money made of paper issued by a bankbankrupt adj. lacking; deficient; insolvent; unable to pay debtsbankrupt n. a person who was unable to repay their debtsbankrupt v. to ruin financially; to go bust; to go broke; to collapsebankruptcy n. state of losing property to one's creditor s due to unpaid debts; inability to pay debts; insolvencybanquet n. celebration; feast; dinner; drinkingbanquet v. to hold a party; to feast; to dine; to drink; to attend a banquetbarely adv. hardly; scarcelybargain n. good deal; agreement; item that has been bought at a specially low pricebargain v. to negotiate; to arrive at an agreementbarren capital n. money which is not generating profitbarrier n. border; limit; obstacle; barricadebarter n. exchanging of goods and services; tradebarter v. to exchange goods and servicesbase adj. low; despicable; ignoblebase n. foundation; principal element; fundament; fundamental partbase v. to establish; to found; to set up; to place onbasis n. foundation; groundingbearer n. person who holds a money orderbehalf n. representing; in support ofbehavior n. manner of acting; conductbenchmark n. criterion; measure; point of reference for comparisonbeneficent adj. kind; goodbeneficial adj. advantageous; pleasurable; enjoyablebeneficiary n. one that receives a benefit; the recipient of funds, property, or other benefits, as from an insurance policy or willbenefit n. advantage; profit; aid; stipend
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