会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  "Don’t give me that look," he said sternly. "Every day more bounty hunters are searching for me. I’m going to pay off Jabba before he sends any more of his remotes, Gank killers, and who know what else. I’ve got to get this price off my head while I still have a head." Leia was obviously affected by his words, and Han could see that she was concerned for him as well as, perhaps, feeling something more.
  "But we still need you," she said.
  "We?" he asked.
  "Yes." "What about you?" Han was careful to emphasize the last word, but really wasn’t certain why. Maybe it was something he had for some time wanted to say but had lacked the courage—no, he amended, the stupidity—to expose his feelings. At the moment there seemed to be little to lose, and he was ready for whatever she might say.
  "Me?" she said bluntly. "I don’t know what you mean." Incredulous, Han Solo shook his head. "No, you probably don’t." "And what precisely am I supposed to know?" Anger was growing in her voice again, probably because, Han thought, she was finally beginning to understand.
  He smiled. "You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me." Again the princess mellowed. "Well, yes, you’ve been a great help," she said, pausing before going on, "…to us. You’re a natural leader—" But Han refused to let her finish, cutting her off in midsentence. "No, your worship. That’s not it." Suddenly Leia was staring directly into Han’s face with eyes that were, at last, fully understanding. She started to laugh. "You’re imagining things." "Am I? I think you were afraid I was going to leave you without even a …" Han’s eyes focused on her lips, "…kiss." She began to laugh harder now. "I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee." "I can arrange that." He moved closer to her, and she looked radiant even in the cold light of the ice chamber. "Believe me, you could use a good kiss. You’ve been so busy giving orders, you’ve forgotten how to be a woman. If you’d have let go for a moment, I could have helped you. But it’s too late now, sweetheart. Your big opportunity is flying out of here." "I think I can survive," she said, obviously irked.
  "Good luck!" "You don’t even care if the—" He knew what she was going to say and didn’t let her finish. "Spare me, please!" he interrupted. "Don’t tell me about the Rebellion again. It’s all you think about. You’re as cold as this planet." "And you think you’re the one to apply some heat?" "Sure, if I were interested. But I don’t think it’d be much fun." With that, Han stepped back and looked at her again, appraising her coolly. "We’ll meet again," he said. "Maybe by then you’ll have warmed up a little." Her expression had changed again. Han had seen killers with kinder eyes.
  "You have all the breeding of a Bantha," she snarled, "but not as much class.
  Enjoy your trip, hot shot!" Princess Leia quickly turned away from Han and hurried down the corridor
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查看完整版本: 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第二部第一章(6)