会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  "No," Luke answered, "no headache. I feel fine. Why?" Artoo’s chirp was coyly innocent.
  "No dizziness, no drowsiness. Even the scars are gone." The next whistle rose questioningly in pitch.
  "No, that’s all right, Artoo. I’d rather keep it on manual control for a while." Then the stout robot delivered a final whimper that sounded to Luke like a noise of defeat. Luke was amused by the droid’s concern for his health. "Trust me, Artoo," Luke said with a gentle smile. "I know where I’m going and I’ll get us there safely. It’s not far." Han Solo was desperate now. The Falcon had still not been able to shrug off the four TIE fighter or the enormous Star Destroyer that pursued it.
  Solo raced down to the ship’s hold and began to work frantically on repairing the malfunctioning hyperdrive unit. It was all but impossible to carry out the delicate repair work necessary while the Falcon shook with each blast of flak from the fighters.
  Han snapped orders at his copilot, who checked the mechanisms as he was commanded. "Horizontal booster." The Wookiee barked. It looked fine to him.
  "Alluvial damper." Another bark. That part was also in place.
  "Chewie, get me the hydrospanners." Chewbacca rushed over to the pit with the tools. Han grabbed the spanners, then paused and looked at his faithful Wookiee friend.
  "I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this one," he confided.
  Just then a resounding thump hit the Falcon’s side, making the ship pitch and turn radically.
  Chewbacca barked anxiously.
  Han braced himself at the impact, the hydrospanners flew from his hand. When he managed to regain his balance, he shouted at Chewbacca over the noise, "That was no laser blast! Something hit us!" "Han…Han…" Princess Leia called to him from the cockpit. She was frantic.
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