会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  Staring blankly back at him, the officer replied, as if it were self-evident, "I don’t need to see your identification." His reaction was the opposite of Kenobi’s: his voice was normal, but his expression peculiar.
  "These aren’t the ’droids you’re looking for," Kenobi told him pleasantly.
  "These aren’t the ’droids we’re looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business," the metal-masked officer informed Luke.
  The expression of relief that spread across Luke’s face ought to have been as revealing as his previous nervousness, but the Imperial ignored it.
  "Move along," Kenobi whispered.
  "Move along," the officer instructed Luke.
  Unable to decide whether he should salute, nod, or give thanks to the man, Luke settled for nudging the accelerator. The landspeeder moved forward, drawing away from the circle of troops. As they prepared to round a corner, Luke risked a glance backward. The officer who had inspected them appeared to be arguing with several comrades, though at this distance Luke couldn’t be sure.
  He peered up at his tall companion and started to say something. Kenobi seemed to have some idea where they were headed. Luke studied the run-down structures and equally unwholesome-looking individuals they were passing. They had entered the oldest section of Mos Eisley and consequently the one where the old vices flourished most strongly.
  Kenobi pointed and Luke pulled the landspeeder up in front of what appeared to be one of the original spaceport’s first blockhouses. It had been converted into a cantina whose clientele was suggested by the diverse nature of transport parked outside. Some of them Luke recognized, others he had only heard rumors of. The cantina itself, he knew from the design of the building, must lie partially underground.
  As the dusty but still sleek craft pulled into an open spot, a jawa materialized from nowhere and began running covetous hands over the metal sides. Luke leaned out and barked something harsh at the sub-human, which caused it to scurry away.
  "I can’t abide those jawas," murmured Threepio with lofty disdain.
  "Disgusting creatures." Luke’s mind was too full of their narrow escape for him to comment on Threepio’s sentiments. "I still can’t understand how we got by these troops. I thought we were as good as dead." "The force is in the mind, Luke, and can sometime be used to influence others.
  It’s a powerful ally. But as you come to know the force, you will discover that it can also be a danger." Nodding without really understanding, Luke indicated the run-down though obviously popular cantina. "Do you really think we can find a pilot here capable of taking us all the way to Alderaan?" Kenobi was exiting from the speeder. "Most of the good, independent freighter pilots frequent this place, though many can afford better. They can talk freely here.
  You should have learned by now, Luke, not to equate ability with appearance." Luke saw the old man’s shabby clothing anew and felt ashamed. "Watch yourself, though.
  This place can be rough."
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查看完整版本: 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第六章(4)