会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  "I’ve always found the methods you recommend rather quaint, Vader." "They are efficient," the Dark Lord argued softly. "In the interest of accelerating the procedure, however, I am open to your suggestions." Tarkin looked thoughtful. "Such stubbornness can often be detoured by applying threats to something other than the one involved." "What do you mean?" "Only that I think is time we demonstrated the full power of this station. We may do so in a fashion doubly useful." He instructed the attentive Motti, "Tell your programmers to set course for the Alderaan system." Kenobi’s pride did not prevent him from wrapping an old scarf over nose and mouth to filter out a portion of the bonfire’s drifting putrid odor. Though possessed of olfactory sensory apparatus, Artoo Detoo and Threepio had no need of such a screen. Even Threepio, who was equipped to discriminate among aromatic aesthetics, could be artificially selective when he so desired.
  Working together, the two ’droids helped Kenobi throw the last of the bodies onto the blazing pyre, then stood back and watched the dead continue to burn. Not that the desert scavengers wouldn’t have been equally efficient in picking the burned- out sandcrawler clean of flesh, but Kenobi retained values most modern men would have deemed archaic. He would consign no one to the bone-gnawers and gravel- maggots, not even a filthy jawa.
  At a rising thrumming Kenobi turned from the residue of the noisome business to see the landspeeder approaching, now traveling at a sensible pace, far different from when it had left. It slowed and hovered nearby, but showed no signs of life.
  Gesturing for the two robots to follow, Ben started toward the waiting craft.
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查看完整版本: 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第六章(2)