会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  Either Solo had supernaturally acute hearing, or else he was used to the reaction the sight of the Millennium Falcon produced in prospective passengers. "She may not look like much," he confessed as he approached them, "but she’s all go. I’ve added a few unique modifications to her myself. In addition to piloting, I like to tinker. She’ll make point five factors beyond lightspeed." Luke scratched his head as he tried to reassess the craft in view of its owner’s claims. Either the Corellian was the biggest liar this side of the galactic center, or there was more to this vessel than met the eye. Luke thought back once more to old Ben’s admonition never to trust surface impressions, and decided to reserve judgment on the ship and its pilot until after he had watched them in operation.
  Chewbacca had lingered behind at the docking-bay entrance. Now he rushed up the ramp, a hairy whirlwind, and blabbered excitedly at Solo. The pilot regarded him coolly, nodding from time to time, then barked a brief reply. The Wookie charged into the ship, pausing only to urge everyone to follow.
  "We seem to be a bit rushed," Solo explained cryptically, "so if you’ll hurry aboard, we’ll be off." Luke was about to venture some questions, but Kenobi was already prodding him up the ramp. The ’droids followed.
  Inside, Luke was slightly startled to see the bulky Chewbacca squirm and fight his way into a pilot’s chair which, despite modifications, was still over-whelmed by his massive form. The Wookie flipped several tiny switches with digits seemingly too big for the task. Those great paws drifted with surprising grace over the controls.
  A deep throbbing started somewhere within the ship as the engines were activated. Luke and Ben began strapping themselves into the vacant seats in the main passageway.
  Outside the docking-bay entrance a long, leathery snout protruded from dark folds of cloth, and somewhere in the depths to either side of that imposing proboscis, eyes stared intently. They turned, along with the rest of the head, as a squad of eight Imperial troops rushed up. Perhaps not surprisingly, they headed straight for the enigmatic figure who whispered something to the lead trooper and gestured to the docking bay.
  The information must have been provocative. Activating their weapons and raising them to firing position, the troops charged en masse down the docking-bay entrance.
  A glint of light on moving metal caught Solo’s eyes as the unwelcome outlines of the first troops showed themselves. Solo thought it unlikely they would pause to engage in casual conversation. His suspicion was confirmed before he could open his mouth to protest their intrusion, as several dropped to their knees and opened fire on him. Solo ducked back inside, turning to yell forward.
  "Chewie—deflector shields, quick! Get us out of here!" A throaty roar of acknowledgment came back to him.
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