会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  "Bring ’em on," Solo demanded, unreasonably enthused by their success so far.
  "I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around." "Maybe you’re in a hurry to die," Luke snapped, "but I’m not. All this sneaking around has kept us alive." The Corellian gave Luke a sour eye but said nothing.
  They watched as Kenobi operated an incredibly complex computer console with the ease and confidence of one long accustomed to handling intricate machinery. A screen lit up promptly with a map of sections of the battle station. The old man leaned forward, scrutinizing the display carefully.
  Meanwhile, Threepio and Artoo had been going over an equally complicated control panel nearby. Artoo suddenly froze and began whistling wildly at something he had found. Solo and Luke, their momentary disagreement over tactics forgotten, rushed over to where the robots were standing. Chewbacca busied himself hanging the gentry officer up by his toes.
  "Plug him in," Kenobi suggested, looking over from his place before the larger readout. "He should be able to draw information from the entire station network.
  Let’s see if he can find out where the tractor beam power unit is located." "Why not just disconnect the beam from here, sir?" Luke wanted to know.
  It was Solo who replied derisively, "What, and have them lock it right back on us before we can get a ship’s length outside the docking bay?" Luke looked crestfallen. "Oh. I hadn’t thought of that." "We have to break the tractor at its power source in order to execute a clean escape, Luke," old Ben chided gently as Artoo punched a claw arm into the open computer socket he had discovered. Immediately a galaxy of lights came to life on the panel in front of him and the room was filled with the hum of machinery working at high speed.
  Several minutes passed while the little ’droid sucked up information like a metal sponge. Then the hum slowed and he turned to beep something back at them.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23


  "Bring ’em on," Solo demanded, unreasonably enthused by their success so far.
  "I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around." "Maybe you’re in a hurry to die," Luke snapped, "but I’m not. All this sneaking around has kept us alive." The Corellian gave Luke a sour eye but said nothing.
  They watched as Kenobi operated an incredibly complex computer console with the ease and confidence of one long accustomed to handling intricate machinery. A screen lit up promptly with a map of sections of the battle station. The old man leaned forward, scrutinizing the display carefully.
  Meanwhile, Threepio and Artoo had been going over an equally complicated control panel nearby. Artoo suddenly froze and began whistling wildly at something he had found. Solo and Luke, their momentary disagreement over tactics forgotten, rushed over to where the robots were standing. Chewbacca busied himself hanging the gentry officer up by his toes.
  "Plug him in," Kenobi suggested, looking over from his place before the larger readout. "He should be able to draw information from the entire station network.
  Let’s see if he can find out where the tractor beam power unit is located." "Why not just disconnect the beam from here, sir?" Luke wanted to know.
  It was Solo who replied derisively, "What, and have them lock it right back on us before we can get a ship’s length outside the docking bay?" Luke looked crestfallen. "Oh. I hadn’t thought of that." "We have to break the tractor at its power source in order to execute a clean escape, Luke," old Ben chided gently as Artoo punched a claw arm into the open computer socket he had discovered. Immediately a galaxy of lights came to life on the panel in front of him and the room was filled with the hum of machinery working at high speed.
  Several minutes passed while the little ’droid sucked up information like a metal sponge. Then the hum slowed and he turned to beep something back at them.
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