会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  Solo continued his rout of all opposition, running at top speed down the long hallway, yelling and brandishing his pistol.Occasionally he got off a shot whose effect was more valuable psychologically than tactically.
  Half the troops had already scattered down various subpassages and corridors.
  The ten troopers he continued to harry still raced headlong away from him, up against a dead end, which forced them to turn and confront their opponents.
  Seeing that the ten had halted, Solo likewise slowed. Gradually he came to a complete stop. Corellian and Imperials regarded one another silently. Several of the troopers were staring, not at Han but past him.
  It suddenly occurred to Solo that he was very much alone, and the same thought was beginning to seep into the minds of the guards he was confronting.
  Embarrassment gave way rapidly to anger. Rifles and pistols started to come up.
  Solo took a step backward, fired one shot, then turned and ran like hell.
  Chewbacca heard the whistle and crump of energy weapons firing as he lumbered lightly down the corridor. There was something odd about them, though: they sounded as if they were coming closer instead of moving away.
  He was debating what to do when Solo came tearing around a corner and nearly ran him down. Seeing ten troopers in pursuit, the Wookie decided to reserve his question for a less confused moment. He turned and followed Solo back up the hallway.
  Luke grabbed the Princess and pulled her back into a recess. She was about to retort angrily at his brusqueness when the sound of marching feet caused her to shrink back into the darkness with him.
  Solo continued his rout of all opposition, running at top speed down the long hallway, yelling and brandishing his pistol.Occasionally he got off a shot whose effect was more valuable psychologically than tactically.
  Half the troops had already scattered down various subpassages and corridors.
  The ten troopers he continued to harry still raced headlong away from him, up against a dead end, which forced them to turn and confront their opponents.
  Seeing that the ten had halted, Solo likewise slowed. Gradually he came to a complete stop. Corellian and Imperials regarded one another silently. Several of the troopers were staring, not at Han but past him.
  It suddenly occurred to Solo that he was very much alone, and the same thought was beginning to seep into the minds of the guards he was confronting.
  Embarrassment gave way rapidly to anger. Rifles and pistols started to come up.
  Solo took a step backward, fired one shot, then turned and ran like hell.
  Chewbacca heard the whistle and crump of energy weapons firing as he lumbered lightly down the corridor. There was something odd about them, though: they sounded as if they were coming closer instead of moving away.
  He was debating what to do when Solo came tearing around a corner and nearly ran him down. Seeing ten troopers in pursuit, the Wookie decided to reserve his question for a less confused moment. He turned and followed Solo back up the hallway.
  Luke grabbed the Princess and pulled her back into a recess. She was about to retort angrily at his brusqueness when the sound of marching feet caused her to shrink back into the darkness with him.
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查看完整版本: 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第十章(4)