会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22

星球大战 第八章(11)

  Artoo whistled on while Threepio translated. "Level five, detention block AA- 23. According to the information, she is scheduled for slow termination." "No! We’ve got to do something." "What are you three blabbering about?" an exasperated Solo demanded.

  "She’s the one who programmed the message into Artoo Detoo," Luke explained hurriedly, "the one we were trying to deliver to Alderaan. We’ve got to help her." "Now, just a minute," Solo cautioned him. "This is going awful fast for me.

  Don’t get any funny ideas. When I said I didn’t have any ’better ideas’ I meant it.

  The old man said to wait here. I don’t like it, but I’m not going off on some crazy maze through this place." "But Ben didn’t know she was here," Luke half pleaded, half argued. "I’m sure that if he knew he would have changed his plans." Anxiety turned to thoughtfulness.

  "Now, if we could just figure a way to get into that detention block…" Solo shook his head and stepped back. "Huh-uh—I’m not going into any Imperial detention blocks." "If we don’t do something, they’re going to execute her. A minute ago you said you didn’t just want to sit here and wait to be captured. Now all you want to do is stay. Which is it, Han?" The Corellian looked troubled—and confused. "Marching into a detention area’s not what I had in mind. We’re likely to end up there anyway—why rush it?" "But they’re going to execute her!" "Better her than me." "Where’s your sense of chivalry, Han?" Solo considered. "Near as I can recall, I traded it for a ten-carat chrysopaz and three bottles of good brandy about five years ago on Commenor." "I’ve seen her," Luke persisted desperately. "She’s beautiful." "So’s life." "She’s a rich and powerful Senator," Luke pressed, hoping an appeal to Solo’中华考试网s baser instincts might be more effective. "If we could save her, the reward could be substantial." "Uh…rich?" Then Solo looked disdainful. "Wait a minute…Reward, from whom? From the government on Alderaan?" He made a sweeping gesture toward the hangar and by implication the space where Alderaan had once orbited.
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