会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22

星球大战 第九章(4)

  "There’s got to be another way out," Luke muttered, pulling a small transmitter unit from his belt and carefully adjusting the frequency: "See Threepio…See Threepio!" a familiar voice responded with gratifying speed. "Yes, sir?" "We’ve been cut off here. Are there any other ways out of the detention area— anything at all?" Static crackled over the tiny grid as Solo and Chewbacca kept the imperial troops bottled up at the other end of the walkway.

  "What was that…? I didn’t copy." Back in the gentry office Artoo Detoo beeped and whistled frantically as Threepio adjusted controls, fighting to clear the awkward transmission. "I said, all systems have been alerted to your presence, sir. The main entry seems to be the only way in or out of the cell block." He pressed instruments, and the view on the nearby readouts changed steadily. "All other information on your section is restricted." Someone began banging on the locked door to the office—evenly at first and then, when no response was forthcoming from within, more insistently.

  "Oh, no!" Threepio groaned. http://www.Examw.com

  The smoke in the cell corridor was now so intense that it was difficult for Solo and Chewbacca to pick their targets. That was fortunate inasmuch as they were now badly outnumbered and the smoke confused the Imperials’ fire with equal thoroughness.

  Every so often one of the soldiers would attempt to move closer, only to stand exposed as he penetrated the smoke. Under the accurate fire of the two smugglers, he would rapidly join the accumulating mass of motionless figures on the rampway flooring.

  Energy bolts continued to ricochet wildly through the block as Luke moved close to Solo.
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