会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22

星球大战 第十二章(6)

  "Break off, Luke," ordered the deeper tones of Blue Leader. "We’ve hit too much interference here. Luke, I repeat, break off! I can’t see him. Blue Two, do you see Blue Five?" "Negative," Wedge replied quickly. "There’s a fire zone here you wouldn’t believe. My scanner’s jammed. Blue Five, where are you? Luke, are you all right?" "He’s gone," Biggs started to report solemnly. Then his voice rose. "No, wait…there he is! Looks like a little fin damage, but the kid’s fine." Relief swept the war room, and it was most noticeable in the face of the slightest, most beautiful Senator present.

  On the battle station, troopers worn half to death or deafened by the concussion of the big guns were replaced by fresh crews. None of them had time to wonder how the battle was going, and at the moment none of them much cared, a malady shared by common soldiers since the dawn of history.

  Luke skimmed daringly low over the station’s surface, his attention riveted on a distant metal projection.

  "Stick close, Blue Five," the squadron commander directed him. "Where are you going?" "I’ve picked up what looks like a lateral stabilizer," Luke replied. "I’m going to try for it." "Watch yourself, Blue Five. Heavy fire in your area." Luke ignored the warning as he headed the fighter straight toward the oddly shaped protuberance. His determination was rewarded when, after saturating it with fire, he saw it erupt in a spectacular ball of superhot gas.

  "Got it!" he exclaimed. "Continuing south for another one." Within the rebel temple-fortress, Leia listened intently. She seemed simultaneously angry and frightened. Finally she turned to Threepio and muttered, "Why is Luke taking so many chances?" The tall ’droid didn’t reply.

  "Watch your back, Luke," Biggs’s voice sounded over the speakers, "watch your back! Fighters above you, coming in." Leia strained to see what she could only hear. She wasn’t alone. "Help him, Artoo," Threepio was whispering to himself, "and keep holding on." Luke continued his dive even as he looked back and spotted the object of Biggs’s concern close on his tail. Reluctantly he pulled up and away from the station surface, abandoning his target. His tormentor was good, however, and continued closing on him.
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