会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22

星球大战 第十二章(10)

  Luke was trying to pick the assault team out of the glowing gases below when Blue Leader’s voice sounded over the communicator.

  "Blue Five, this is Blue Leader. Move into position, Luke. Start your attack run—stay low and wait until you’re right on top of it. It’s not going to be easy." "Are you all right?" "They’re on top of me—but I’ll shake them." "Blue Five to Blue pack," Luke ordered, "let’s go!" The three ships peeled off and plunged toward the trench sector.

  Meanwhile Vader finally succeeded in hitting his quarry, a glancing bolt that nonetheless started small, intense explosions in one engine. Its R-2 unit scrambled back toward the damaged wing and struggled to repair the crippled power plant.

  "R-2, shut off the main feed to number-one starboard engine," Blue Leader directed quietly, staring resignedly at instruments which were running impossibilities.

  "Hang on tight, this could get rough." Luke saw that Blue Leader was in trouble. "We’re right above you, Blue Leader," he declared. "Turn to point oh five, and we’ll cover for you." "I’ve lost my upper starboard engine," came the reply.

  "We’ll come down for you." "Negative, negative. Stay there and get set up for your attack run." "You’re sure you’re all right?" "I think so…Stand by for a minute." Actually, it was somehow less than a minute before Blue Leader’s gyrating X- wing plowed into the surface of the station. Luke watched the huge explosion dissipate below him, knowing without question its cause, sensing fully for the first time the helplessness of his situation. "We just lost Blue Leader," he murmured absently, not particularly caring if his mike picked up the somber announcement.

  On Yavin Four, Leia Organa rose from her chair and nervously began pacing the room. Normally perfect nails were now jagged and uneven from nervous chewing.

  It was the only indication of physical unease. The anxiety visible in her expression was far more revealing of her feelings, and anxiety and worry that filled the war room on the announcement of Blue Leader’s death.

  "Can they go on?" she finally asked Dodonna.

  The general replied with gentle resolve. "They must." "But we’ve lost so many. Without Blue or Red Leader, how will they regroup?" Dodonna was about to reply, but held his words as more critical ones sounded over the speaker.
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