会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  【Section One】Article
  Emotive Clothing
  The Bubelle Blush Dress
  The inner layer of this outfit is equipped with sensors that respond to the changes in the wearer's emotions and project them onto the textile on the outer layer.
  The Frisson
  This body suit incorporates hundreds of miniature LEDs which are attached to sensitive electronic hairs covering the surface of the body. They light up when they are brushed or blown on.
  A sketch of the Frisson evokes the designer's intention.
  Glow in the Dark
  The Bubelle Dress relies on miniature projectors for its effect.
  According to the designers, the Frisson LEDs light up in the same way that the skin would tingle, blush or shiver when blown on or stimulated.
  The researchers sought to challenge the idea that a digital world is automatically a better world. Their work exploits technologies that are more sensitive than "intelligent".
  At present, neither outfit is available for sale.
  Blue Bubelle
  Though the colors the dress creates can be interpreted in a variety of ways, the designers say that red tends to denote strong emotions, while blue reflects more mild states of mind.
  A New Functionality
  The design team continues to develop devices which are responsive to subtle triggers like sensuality, affection and sensation.
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