会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22


  Outside the Millennium Falcon, stormtroopers worked with military efficiency to set up their enormous gun. Behind them the hangar doors began to open. One of the Falcon’s powerful laser weapons appeared from the hull and swung about, aiming directly at the stormtroopers.
  Han moved urgently to block the Imperial soldier’s efforts. Without hesitation he released a deadly blast from the powerful laser weapon he had aimed at the stormtroopers. The explosion scattered their armored bodies all over the hangar.
  Chewbacca dashed into the cockpit.
  "We’ll just have to switch over," Han announced, "and hope for the best." The Wookiee hurled his hairy bulk into the copilot’s seat as yet another laser blast erupted outside the window next to him. He yelled indignantly, then yanked back on the controls to bring the welcome roar of engine fire from deep inside the Falcon.
  The Corellian grinned at the princess, a gleeful I-told-you-so gleam in his eyes.
  "Someday," she said with mild disgust, "you’re going to be wrong, and I just hope I’m there to see it." Han just smiled, then turned to his copilot. "Punch it!" he shouted.
  The huge freighter’s engines roared. And everything behind the craft instantly melted in the fiery exhaust billowing from its tailpiece Chewbacca furiously worked the controls, watching out of the corner of his eyes the ice walls rushing past as the freighter blasted away.
  At the last moment, just before takeoff. Han caught a glimpse of additional stormtroopers running into the hangar. In their wake strode a foreboding giant clad entirely in black. Then there was only the blur and the beckoning of billions of stars.
  As the Millennium Falcon soared from the hangar, its flight was detected by Commander Luke Skywalker, who turned to smile at Wedge and his gunner. "At least Han got away." The three then trudged along to their waiting X-wing fighter ships. When they finally reached them, they shook hands and moved off toward their separate vehicles.
  "Good luck, Luke," Wedge said as they parted. "See you at the rendezvous." Luke waved and began to walk toward his X-wing. Standing there amid the mountains of ice and snow, he was overcome by a surge of loneliness. He felt desperately alone now that even Han was gone. Worse than that, Princess Leia was also somewhere else; she might just as well be an entire universe away… Then out of nowhere a familiar whistle greeted Luke.
  "Artoo!" he exclaimed. "Is that you?" Sitting snugly in the socket that had been installed for these helpful R2 units was the little barrel-shaped droid, his head peeking from the top of the ship. Artoo had scanned the approaching figure and had whistled with relief when his computers informed him it was Luke. The young commander was equally relieved to reencounter the robot that had accompanied him on so many of his previous adventures.
  As he climbed into the cockpit and seated himself behind the controls, Luke could hear the sound of Wedge’s fighter roaring into the sky toward the Rebel rendezvous point. "Activate the power and stop worrying. We’ll soon be airborne," Luke said in response to Artoo’s nervous beeping.
  His was the last Rebel ship to abandon what had, for a very brief time, been a secret outpost in the revolution against the tyranny of the Empire.
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