会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18

托福考试词汇备考资料:Top 100 Words

  abyss:  hole so deep as to appear bottomless acquiesce agree, accept without protest
  affable: polite and friendly, easy to talk to
  affliction: distress, suffering
  affluent: wealthy, abundant
  agitate: move, shake, stir up ambiguous having more then one meaning
  annex:  take possession of
  aqueous: of or like water
  arduous: demanding great effort, strenuous
  aroma:  quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical
  atone:  make repayment
  avarice: greed
  bellicose: inclined to fighting calisthenicsexercises to develop strong bodies
  captor: person who takes smb captive
  concoct: invent, prepare by mixing together
  dangle: hand or swing loosely
  deprive: take away from, prevent from using
  diligent: hard-working
  disrobe: undress
  docile: easily trained or controlled
  doleful: dismal, mourful
  drought: a long period of dry weather
  dubious: feeling doubt dumbfound astonish
  efface: rub or wipe out, obliterate
  elucidate: to make understandable
  enchant: charm, delight
  endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard
  endorse: approve, support a claim or statement
  enthral: take the whole attention, enslave
  exploit: to use for selfish advantage or profit
  extensive: far-reaching
  extol: to praise highly
  flimsy: lacking solidarity, strength
  fraud:  a fault, a deception
  gaudy:  too bright and showy
  ghastly: death-like, pale and ill
  grumble: to complain
  harass: worry, trouble
  heretic: very busy; active
  impediment smth that hinders (esp in speech) indigenous native
  insatiate: never satisfied
  intrepid: fearless
  irate: angry
  jeopardy: danger
  leash:  control
  loafer: an idle, lazy person
  lucrative: profitable
  lustrous: bright; shining
  malign: to slander
  meddle: to interfere, to intrude
  mend:  to repair
  mirth:  being merry and happy
  nausea: feeling of sickness
  neglect: pay no attention to
  nocturnal: of or in the night
  obese:  very fat
  obsolete: no longer useful, outdated
  perch:  take up a high position
  pervade: spread through every part of
  petulant: unreasonably impatient or irritable
  pillage: plunder (esp in war)
  presumptuoustoo bold or self-confident
  quashed : annuled
  quenching:satisfy, put an end to, put out
  refurbished make clean, as if like new
  rejoicing: happiness, joy
  reticent: in the habit of saying little reverberate be sent back, again and again
  rigor: sternness, strictness, severe conditions
  rotundity: state of being round
  salvage: the saving of property from loss
  scattered: not situated together
  shatter: to break into many pieces
  shunned: avoided, kept away from
  sketchy: shortly, roughly, quickly
  sporadic: happening from time to time
  stifled: suppressed, kept back
  strive: to make great efforts, to struggle subsequent following
  succumb: yield, die
  taciturn: unspoken, silent
  tantalize: raise hopes that cannot be realized
  tentative: uncertain, probable
  torpid: dull and slow
  treacherous not to be trusted, perfidious
  tremor: thrill
  tyro: a beginner
  uproar: noise and excitement
  vanity: a foolish pride vehemence forcefulness; intensity; conviction
  vigilance: watchfulness
  vindicate: prove the truth
  voluptuous arousing sensual pleasures
  wan: looking ill, not bright wile:a trick
  wrinkle: make small lines (eg forehead)
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