会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  Unit 7
  cab n.v.计乘车;驾驶室;自修书
  cabal n.派系;阴谋
  cache n.隐藏所
  cachet n.封印
  cackle v.呵呵笑 [ probMLG,kakelen(imit)]
  cacodemon n.恶灵;恶鬼;恶人 [ kakodaimon kakos bad + daimon spirit]
  cacography n.拼错字;抄错;拙劣的书法 [ kakos bad, after orthography]
  cacology n.措辞不当;发音不正 [ cacologiakakologia vituperation kakos bad]
  cacophony n.不调和的声音
  cad n.下流的男人;粗鄙的人
  cadaver n.人之尸体
  cadence n.韵律;调子
  cadet n.陆海空军校学生;实习生
  cadge v.行乞勒索(金钱等);行商
  cajole v.以甜言蜜语诱惑欺骗
  calamity n.灾难;吹毛求疵的人
  caliber n.才干;才能;口径;器量 [同CALIBRE]
  calligraphy n.书法
  calliope n.蒸汽琴;汽笛风琴 [ Kalliope muse of epic ptry(lit 'beautiful-voiced')]
  callous a.无情的;结硬块的[ callosus(CALLUS)or F calleux callus老茧;愈合组织,肉状体 callosity皮肤硬化,老茧,胼胝;无 感觉;无情
  callow a.未成长的
  calorific a.生热的 [ calorificuscalor heat caloric 热(的)]
  calumny n.诽谤;谗言
  cameo n.有浮雕的宝石 [ camahieu and medL cammaeus]
  camouflage n.v.伪装;掩饰;隐瞒;欺瞒
  canard n.虚报;谣言
  candor n.坦白;率真
  canker n.弊病
  canny a.精明的;节俭的
  canon n.宗教法规;教士;经典 [ kanon, in ME alsoAF & OF canun, -on;in sense canonieecclL canonicus: cf]
  cant n.黑话;伪善之言
  cantata n.清唱剧
  canter n.慢步小跑
  canto n.长诗中的章
  canvass v.细究;讨论;检票
  capacious a.容量大的 [ capax -aciscapere hold capacity 包容力, 收容力;容积]
  caparison n.装饰用马衣;给马穿衣 [ caparazon saddle-clothcapa CAPE羔羊皮(产于好望角)拉丁文"头"岬,海角;好望角(Cape of Good]
  caper v.n.雀跃;嬉戏;把戏 [ capres & capparis kapparis, treated aspl: cf CHERRY, PEA 豌豆]
  capillary a.毛细管的
  capitulate v.有条件地投降 [ caput head]
  caprice n.反复无常;任性
  caption n.标题
  captious a.好吹毛求疵的;诡辩的
  carat n.克拉;开 [ keration fruit of the carob稻子豆(dimin of keras horn角)Karate空手道 caret加字符号]
  cardinal a.首要的;基本的[ cardinaliscardo -inis hinge: in Eng first applied to the four virtues on which conduct 'hinges( 关键,枢纽,要点)'
  cardiology n.心脏学
  careen v.使船倾倒;使侧倾 [ carina KEEL龙骨]
  caress v.抚爱 [ carus dear]
  caricature n.讽刺画;讽刺
  carmine n.洋红色
  carnage n.大屠杀;残杀 [ caro carnis flesh]
  carnal a.肉体的
  carnivorous a.食肉的
  carouse n.v.酒宴;痛饮;狂欢
  carping a.吹毛求疵的

  carrion n.腐臭的尸体

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19


</p>  cartographer n.制图者
  carve v.雕刻;切成薄片;开拓 [ ceorfan cut]
  cascade n.小瀑布
  caste n.印度世袭阶级;阶级制度
  castigate v.谴责;惩治 [ castigare reprovecastus pure castigation强烈申斥;反对;鞭打;惩罚]
  casualty n.意外;灾祸
  casuistry n.诡辩;曲解
  cataclysm n.洪水;剧变
  catalyst n.催化剂
  catapult n.弹弩;发射机 [ catapulte or catapultaGk katapeltes(CATA-, pallo hurl)]
  catastrophe n.大灾难
  catechism n.问答形式的教授法
  categorical a.绝对的
  cater v.承办酒席;迎合
  catharsis n.导泻;净化
  catholic a.宽容的;广泛的
  caucus n.干部会议;核心人物
  caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的
  cauterize v.灼烧
  cavalcade n.车队等的行列
  cavil v.吹毛求疵;苛责 [ cavillaricavilla mockery 嘲弄;蔑视]
  cavity n.空穴;空腔;蛀牙洞 [ cavus hollow洞]
  cede v.割让;让步 [ cedere yield]
  celebrity n.名声;名人
  celerity n.快速
  celestial a.天上的
  celibate a.独身的
  censor n.检查员 [ censere assess cencorous 好批评的, 好吹毛求疵者 censorship检查;监察;检察官之职]
  censure v.责备 [ censuracensere assess 核定税额、罚款额等,评定(at)]
  centaur n.人首马身的怪物 [ centaurusGk kentauros]
  centigrade n.摄氏温标 [ centum hundred+gradus step]
  centrifugal a.离心的 [ centrum centre+fugere flee refugee难民]
  centripetal a.向心的 [ centrum centre+petere seek]
  ceremonious a.隆重的;客套的 [ ceremonieux orL caerimoniosus CEREMONY典礼ceremonial 仪式的;讲究仪式的;正式的]
  cessation n.中止 [ cessatiocessare CEASE]
  cession n.割让 [ cession or cessiocedere cess- go away]
  chaff n.粗糠;谷壳
  chaffing a.玩笑的;嘲弄的
  chagrin n.烦闷;懊恼
  chalice n.杯;圣餐杯 [ calix -icis cup]
  champ v.大声地嚼
  chanty n.船夫曲;劳动号子
  chaos n.混乱 [ khaos: - otic after erotic etc CHAOTIC混乱的]
  charisma n.能吸引大众的非凡能力 [ kharismakharis favour, grace]
  charitable a.宽大的;慈善的
  charlatan n.骗子;冒充内行者
  charter n.v.执照;宪章;发特许执照
  chary a.谨慎的;吝啬的;害羞的
  chasm n.深坑 [ khasma gaping hollow]
  chassis n.汽车等之底盘 [ capsa箱]
  chaste a.贞洁的;纯洁的 [ castus chastity 贞节;纯洁]
  chasten v.惩戒;责罚;抑制;使缓和 [ castigare CASTIGATE惩罚 CHASTISE严厉惩罚;谴责]
  chattel n.动产 [ chatel: CATTLE牛,家畜]
  chauvinist n.盲目的爱国者
  checkered a.多变的
  chicanery n.奸计;狡猾手段 [ chicanerie CHICANE 搪塞,狡辩;欺骗]

  chide v.叱责;谴责 [ cidan]

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:20


</p>  chimerical a.幻想的;荒诞的 [ khimaira she-goat, chimera(希神)吐火兽;怪物;妄想]
  chiromancy n.手相术
  chiropodist n.足科医生
  chirp v.吱喳鸣出或叫出 [ earlier chirk, chirt]
  choke v.使窒息
  choleric a.暴燥的[ kholerikos: CHOLER脾气暴躁,动肝火;胆汁,胆汁质 a man of choleric temper 脾气暴躁 (易怒)的男人
  chop v.砍;突然改变方向
  chronic a.长期的;慢性的
  chuckle v.咯咯而笑
  chum n.室友; 好友; 挚友
  churlish a.粗野的;下贱的;难驾驭的 [ cierlisc, ceorliscceorl CHURL下贱的人;吝啬鬼]
  ciliated a.有纤毛的
  circlet n.戒指;小圈
  circuitous a.绕行的;迂回的
  circumlocution n.迂回累赘的陈述 [ circumlocution or circumlocutio(CIRCUM-,LOCUTION 说话法;语风), transl of ]
  circumspect a.慎重的;小心的
  circumvent v.占上风;智取;规避
  citadel n.城堡;要塞 [ civitas -tatis city]
  cite v.引用;举例 [ citareciere set moving]
  clairvoyant a.具有洞察力的 [clairvoyance 透视力;异常的洞察力clair CLEAR+voir voy- see
  clamber v.攀爬
  clammy a.粘湿的;病态的
  clamorous a.吵闹的
  clamp n.钳子;夹住
  clandestine a.暗中的;秘密的
  clarion n.响亮尖锐之声 [ clario -onis clarus clear]
  clarity n.清楚;明了;澄澈 [ claritasclarus clear]
  clash n.当当声;冲突;猛撞;抵触
  claustrophobia n.幽闭恐惧症 [ claustrum: CLOISTER修道院;寺庙]
  cleanse v.使纯洁;使清洁 [ cl'nsian(see CLEAN)]
  cleave v.劈裂;开辟 [(用斧头等沿着树纹、劈开面)劈开木材、岩石等>cleavage 劈开,劈开部;分裂]
  cleft n.裂口 [ rel to CLEAVE(用斧头等沿树纹、劈开面)劈开,剖开]
  clemency n.仁慈;和蔼 [ clemens -entis clement仁慈的,宽厚的]
  cliche n.陈腔滥调;老套
  climactic a.高潮的
  clinch v.钉牢;揪住 [同CLENCH 咬紧牙关;紧闭嘴巴;紧握拳头;紧握,抓住某物]
  clip v.修剪;包围 [ klippa, prob imit]
  clique n.朋党;派系
  clog v.阻碍 [缚在动物等脚上限制其行动 (防止逃跑) 的圆木 阻碍,妨碍(with)]
  cloister n.修道院;寺院
  clout n.影响力 [ clut, rel to CLEAT 楔子形的栓;(鞋底等的)止滑片, CLOT结块,凝固32]
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