会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  Unit 3
  antibiotic n.抗生素;抗菌的 [ antibiotique; ANTI-, biotikos适合于生命的 bios生命]
  antibody n.抗体
  antic a.古怪的;笨拙的
  anticipate v.预期;期待
  anticlimax n.令人泄气的转变
  antidote n.解毒药
  antielectron n.反电子;正电子
  antigen n.抗原
  antipathy n.憎恶 [ antipathes 憎恶; ANTI-, pathos -eos 感情]
  antipodal a.正相反的
  antiquated a.陈旧的;过时的
  antique a.古代的 [ antique orantiquus, anticus former, ancient ante before]
  antiques n.古董
  antiquity n.古旧;古代;古代的人 [ antiquitas -tatis antiquus: ANTIQUE]
  antiseptic n.消毒剂;防腐剂
  antisocial a.厌恶社交的
  antithesis n.相反;对照;对偶 [ antitithemi set against (ANTI-, tithemi place)]
  antonym n.反义词
  anvil n.铁砧 [ anfilte etc]
  apathetic a.冷淡的
  apathy n.冷淡;漠不关心 [ apathie apathes without feeling a- not+pathos suffering]
  aperitif n.开胃酒 [ aperitif medL aperitivus aperire to open]
  aperture n.孔;开口
  apex n.顶点;最高点
  aphorism n.格言;警语
  apiary n.养蜂场;蜂房
  apiculture n.养蜂 [ apis bee, after AGRICULTURE]
  apiece ad.每人;每个
  aplomb n.沉着
  apocalyptic a.启示的;天启的
  apocryphal a.真伪可疑的;作者不明的
  apogee n.远地点;最高点
  apologize v.道歉
  apologue n.寓言 [ apologueapologos story(APO-, logos discourse)]
  apolune n.远月点 [(月卫轨道最远点;反perilune) APO luna moon, after apogee]
  apostate n.背教者;脱党者
  apothecary n.药剂师
  apothegm n.格言
  apotheosis n.神圣的理想;神化之物
  appall v.使惊骇
  apparatus n.器具;器官;组织
  apparel n.精制的衣服
  apparition n.幽灵 [ apparition or apparitio attendance(APPEAR)]
  appeal v.恳请;呼吁 [ apel, apeler appellare to address]
  appease v.抚慰;使平静
  appellate a.控诉的;上诉的 [ appellatus(APPEAL, -ATE) appellant n.上诉人;a.控诉的]
  appellation n.称号;名称 [ appellatio -onis(APPEAL, -ATION)]
  append v.附加 [ appendere hang appendage 附加物]
  appetence n.欲望;性欲;本能 [ appetence or appetentia appetere seek after]
  appetite n.胃口;食欲
  applicable a.生效的;适合的
  apposite a.适当的 [ appositus pp. of apponere(AD-, ponere put)]

  appraise v.鉴定

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19


</p>  appreciable a.明显的;重要的
  apprehend v.理解;逮捕;忧惧
  apprehension n.挂念;忧虑;逮补
  apprise v.通知 [ appris -ise pp. of apprendre learn, teach(APPREHEND)]
  approachable a.可靠近的;随和的
  approbation n.许可;承认
  appropriate v.拨款;盗用;恰当的 [ appropriatus pp. of appropriare(AD-, propriusown)]
  approximate v.近似;近似的
  appurtenance n.(土地上)附属物
  apron n.围裙 [ naperon etc dimin of nape table-cloth mappa: for loss
  of n cf ADDER 加者,计算者 = adding]
  apropos ad.恰好地
  aptitude n.才能;性向
  aquaplane n.滑水板;滑水板游戏
  aquarelle n.水彩画;水彩画法
  aquatic a.水生的;水中的
  aqueduct n.高驾渠;渡槽 [aquae ductus conduit
  aquiline a.钩状的;似鹰的 [ aquilinus aquila eagle]
  arabesque a.阿拉伯式的
  arable a.适于耕种的;可开垦的
  arbiter n.仲裁人
  arbitrary a.武断的 [ arbitrarius or F arbitraire(ARBITER,-ARY)arbitrate仲裁,公断]
  arbitrator n.仲裁人;审判者
  arboreal a.树的;木本的 [ arboreus arboretum 植物园]
  arcade n.骑楼 [ arcada or It arcata Rmc: rel to ARCH]
  arcane a.神秘的;秘密的
  archaeology n.考古学 [ arkhaiologia ancient history(ARCHAEAN, -LOGY)]
  archaic a.古代的;已不通用的 [ archaique
  archetype n.原形
  archipelago n.列岛
  archives n.档案;档案保存处
  ardent a.热心的;热烈的
  ardor n.热心 ["热(度)")with ~ 热心地]
  arduous a.费力的;艰巨的 [ arduus steep, difficult]
  arena n.竞技场 [(h)arena sand, sand-strewn place of combat]
  argonaut n.冒险家;投机者;叛徒 [(希腊神话)亚哥号上的人员(与Jason同乘亚哥号(the Argo)船前往科基斯(Colchis)寻找金羊毛(the]
  argot n.暗语
  arid a.干燥的;干燥无味的 [ aride or L aridus arere be dry aridly 贫瘠地]
  aright ad.正;正确地
  aristocrat n.贵族 [ aristocrate ARISTOCRATIC贵族政治的;主张贵族统治的]
  arithmetic n.算术;算术的
  ark n.方舟;笨重难看的船 [ arca chest]
  armada n.舰队
  armament n.军备;武器;装备
  armistice n.休战;停战
  armory n.武器制造厂;室内教练场
  aroma n.芳香;气派,风格 [ aroma -atos spice]
  aromatic a.芳香的 [(AROMA, -IC)aroma芳香,气派,风格aroma -atos spice]
  arraign v.提讯;控告 [ (ult AD-,ratio -onis reason, discourse)]
  arrant a.极端的;完全的
  array v.排列 [ araier, OF areer ultGmc root, = prepare]
  arrears n.债;欠债
  arrest v.阻止;遏止 [~ the spread of the fire 阻止火势的蔓延 arrestant 制虫剂]
  arrogance n.自大;傲慢
  arrogate v.冒称;霸占 [ arrogare arrogat-(AD-, rogare ask)]
  arson n.非法纵火;放火
  articulate v.清楚说话;接合
  artifacts n.史前古器物
  artifice n.策略;诡计 [ making facere make artifact手工艺品]
  artisan n.工匠 [ artigiano,artitus pp. of artire instruct in thearts]
  artless a.粗俗的;自然的
  ascend v.上升;攀爬
  ascendant a.上升的;优越的
  ascertain v.确定 [ acertener, stem acertain to+CERTAIN]
  ascetic a.苦行的
  ascribe v.归于 [ ascribere(AD-, scribere script- write)]
  aseptic a.无菌的
  ashen a.灰色的
  asinine a.愚鲁的
  askance ad.斜视地
  askew ad.斜地
  aslope a.ad.成斜坡;倾斜
  asp n.毒蛇;埃及产眼镜蛇 [ aspe oraspisn.= aspen 白杨;似白杨的;颤抖的]
  aspen n.白杨;白杨似的;摇晃的
  asperity n.粗暴;艰苦 [ asperite or asperitas asper rough prosperity繁荣]
  asperse v.诽谤 [(AD-, spargere sprinkle)aspersion中伤;(天主教)洒水]
  aspirant n.热望者
  aspiration n.抱负 [ aspiration ASPIRATE把发成h音;抽出(液体或气体)]
  aspire v.热望,怀大志,切望 [ aspirer or aspirare to + spirare breathe]
  asquint a.ad.斜视;斜的 [ perh. schuinte slant]
  assail v.攻击
  assassin n.刺客
  assault n.突然袭击;猛袭
  assay v.分析;试验 [ assaier, assai, var of essayer, essai;ESSAY]
  assemble v.聚集
  assent v.同意;赞成 [ asenter, as(s)ente assentari(ad to, sentire think)]
  assert v.断言;主张
  assess v.估定;定……额;评价;估价 [~ a tax at 10 pounds; ~ a statement at its trueworth]
  asset n.财产;可取之处
  asseverate v.断言
  assiduous a.勤勉的 [ assiduus(SESS)assidulity勤勉,励精]
  assimilate v.吸收
  assize n.裁判;法定价格
  assonance n.类音;类韵;母韵
  assort v.分类;配齐;相交
  assuage v.平息;减轻 unassuaged 未缓和的]
  assumption n.担任;假设 [ME
  assure v.确告
  astir a.ad.骚动;活动;兴奋
  astound v.使……大吃一惊,惊愕
  astral a.星的;多星的 [astralis
  astray a.迷路的;误入歧途的
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