会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  TOEIC practice test
  Study English Vocabulary: Verb TestTest
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  v. to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw; to cast; to screen (a film); to stick out; to overhang; to present; to relate (an image, idea, etc.); to protrude
  (c)carry out
  toeic study guide
  v. to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart
  (d)dispense  v. to grant a lisence to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote
  v. to demolish; to ruin; to destruct; to erase
  (b)believe  (c)research
  v. to elevate; to lift; to excite; to arouse; to cause; to bring about; to grow; to cultivate
页: [1]
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