会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18


  TOEIC verbal test
  Vocabulary Activity: Adverb Adjective TestTest
  home toeic preparation toeic quiz toeic forum
  adv. as a result; therefore
  (c)severely  (d)consequently
  toeic study guide toeic certification
  adv. evidently; obviously; allegedly; seemingly
  adv. hardly; scarcely
  adv. intentionally; purposefully; methodically
  adv. to a higher level; more than; higher than
  adv. exactly; accurately; definitely; certainly; surely
  adj. pertaining to the commercial center of a city
  adv. simply; in an unembellished manner; clearly
  adv. after all others; finally; at the end; most recently
  adv. sturdily; steadily; firmly; assertively; in a determined manner
  (b)last  (c)firm
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