会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08

商业托福考试(TOEIC)听力短对话要点 :建议题型

 建议题型  可以分为10种
  (1)祈使句:you should try……,next time try…..意为"你该…..
  2人说话利用情态动词:should can等直接提出建议,直截了当,有时加上maybe probaby might等词暖和语气,减少建议句型的强加成分,you might do/need to submit /maybe you should try
  (2)why ,why not ,why donot you….,干嘛不做/试试…..呢?Why not后一定要抓中心词是动词词组,why bother干吗费劲呢?
  (3)一般疑问句have you try…….?Did you……?这种方式提建议比较委婉,将其意成you should…..
  (4)反问句:havenot you…../hadn't you better…../shouldn't you we…….有点责怪的语气,难道你不会/没有……
  (5)how about….?what about……..?
  (6)how does it sound…….?
  (7)is there anything wrong with…….?
  (8)虚拟语气,if I were you ,I should…..
  I still don't feel well /I don't know what I am going to do
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