会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:41


For the following questions, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
1. International financial issues are typically by the United States media because they are too technical to make snappy headlines and too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics.
A. neglected 被忽视的
B. slighted 被忽视的
C. overrated 被高估的
D. hidden 被隐藏的
E. criticized 被批评的
F. repudiated 被拒绝的
按照上面介绍的解题步骤,由于选项中只有一对近义词,可以直接将答案选出。如果按照填空题的思路来做,可以根据and前后的too technical(过于专业)和too inaccessible(难以理解)推出答案。笔者让刚刚参加过2009年10月份GRE考试的考生来解答此题,采用传统填空思路的同学最快完成时间为11秒,而采用直接看选项完成此题的最快速度为2秒。可见词汇的准确把握对于完成这种新题至关重要。我们再看下面一题。
2. While in many ways their personalities could not have been more different — she was ebullient where he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where he was — they were surprisingly well suited.
A. solicitous 挂念的
B. munificent 慷慨的
C. irresolute 犹豫不决的
D. laconic 言简意赅的
E. fastidious 谨小慎微的,挑剔的
F. taciturn 沉默寡言的

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:42


这道题目的答案laconic和taciturn尽管不是同义词,但是表示的意思相近,都表示说话少。填到句中的空格可以和garrulous(饶舌的)构成一对对立的概念(对立由题目中的different看出)。对于上过新东方词汇课的同学来说,看到laconic, taciturn和garrulous这三个词也不应该陌生。他们都是现行GRE考试的高频词汇。在GRE类比反义教程(新东方05寒假版,以下称作教程)中的第62页的反义词18曾经考查过“饶舌的”与“说话简短的”这对反义词搭配。下面为原题:
(A) blithe 愉快的
(B) incapable 无能的
(C) flagrant 臭名昭著的
(D) garrulous 饶舌的
(E) intransigent 不妥协的
笔者在课上讲解词汇的时候曾经将laconic, taciturn和garrulous这三个词给同学们做过总结,并给出了garrulous的一个同义词loquacious,它也是一个GRE考试的高频词。在教程的94页15题给出了loquacious的反义词考法,答案选的是taciturn。
(A) tranquil 安静的
(B) skeptical 怀疑的
(C) morose 郁闷的
(D) taciturn 沉默寡言的
(E) witty 机智的,诙谐的

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:43


Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.
Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideologies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers' content — especially those with republican agendas — began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.
9. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
The passage suggests that Pasley would agree with which of the following statements about the political role of newspapers?
A. Newspapers today are in many cases much less neutral in their political reporting than is commonly held by scholars.
B. Newspapers in the early United States normally declared quite openly their refusal to tell all sides of most political stories.
C. The editorial policies of some early United States newspapers became a counterweight to proponents of traditional values.
10. In the context in which it appears, "disingenuously" most nearly means
A. insincerely中 华 考 试 网
B. guilelessly
C. obliquely
D. resolutely
E. pertinaciously
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