会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:41


Passage 43 结论解释型(在战斗中锻炼)特别套路重点题78 主题Joseph Glatthaar’s Forged in Battle在战斗中锻炼 is not the first excellent study of Black soldiers and their White officers in the Civil War, but(极端转折) it uses more soldiers’ letters and diaries*2B—including rare material from Black soldiers—and concentrates more *2Bintensely(+) on Black-White relations in Black regiments than do any of its predecessors*2. Glatthaar’s title*3 expresses his thesis: loyalty, friendship, and respect among White officers and Black soldiers were fostered by the mutual dangers共同危险 they faced in combat*3D.优点Glatthaar accurately(大+)(奠定了全文大+的基调) describes the government’s discriminatory treatment of Black soldiers in pay, promotion, medical care, and job assignments,(小列举可暂时不看) appropriately emphasizing*4 the campaign by Black soldiers and their officers to get the opportunity to fight*4B. That chance remained limited throughout the war by army policies that kept most Black units serving in rear-echelon后方梯队 assignments and working in labor battalions. Thus, while their combat death rate was only one-third that of White units, their mortality rate*5 from disease, a major killer in his war, was twice as great*5C. Despite(转折后半句一定说没有障碍) these obstacles, the courage and effectiveness of several Black units in combat won increasing respect from initially skeptical or hostile White soldiers*6C. As one White officer put表达 it*6, “they have fought their way into the respect of all the army.”
缺点In trying to demonstrate the magnitude of this attitudinal change, however, Glatthaar seems to exaggerate(小-) the prewar racism of the White men who became officers in Black regiments. “Prior to the war,” (原话,可能会出题)he writes of these men, “virtually all of them held powerful racial prejudices.” While perhaps true(让步语气,注意看后半句) of those officers who joined Black units for promotion or other self-serving motives自私的目的, this statement misrepresents(-) the attitudes of the many abolitionists who became officers in Black regiments. Having spent years fighting against the race prejudice endemic风土病 in American society, they participated eagerly in this military experiment, which they hoped would help African Americans achieve freedom and postwar civil equality. By current standards of racial egalitarianism种族平均主义, these men’s paternalism家长式的作风 toward African Americans was racist. But to call their feelings “powerful racial prejudices” is to indulge in放纵,放任,滥用 generational chauvinism历史沙文主义—to judge past eras by present standards.
1. The passage as a whole can best be characterized as which of the following?主题题(写法性)
An evaluation of a scholarly study特别套路
A description of an attitudinal change
A discussion of an analytical defect
An analysis of the causes of a phenomenon(A)
An argument in favor of revising a view

2. According to the author, which of the following is true of Glatthaar’s Forged in Battle compared with previous studies on the same topic*2?题(有定位)
It is more reliable and presents a more complete picture of the historical events on which it concentrates than do previous studies.
It uses more of a particular kind of source material*2B and focuses more closely on a particular aspect of the topic*2B than do previous studies.材料多,黑白关系研究得比较多:这里的topic指的就是黑白关系
It contains some unsupported generalizations, but it rightly emphasizes a theme ignored by most previous studies.没有比较,排除
It surpasses previous studies on the same topic in that it accurately describes conditions often neglected by those studies.(B)
It makes skillful use of supporting evidence to illustrate a subtle trend that previous studies have failed to detect. 没有比较,排除
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