会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:41


Passage 28结论解释型(美国西部扩张) 主题:T的缺点使得后来的研究更为重要The settlement of the United States has occupied使其关注 traditional historians since 1893 when Frederick Jackson Turner developed his Frontier Thesis, a thesis that explained American development in terms of westward expansion*4. From the perspective of women’s history, Turner’s exclusively masculine assumptions constitute a major drawback(-): his defenders and critics alike have reconstructed历史再现 men’s, not women’s, lives on the frontier. However(转折,以下可能说优点), precisely because of this masculine orientation, revising the Frontier Thesis by focusing on women’s experience introduces new themes into women’s history—woman as lawmaker and entrepreneur—and, consequently, new interpretations of women’s relationship to capital, labor, and statute.(承上启下,主题句)以下讲受到T影响的其他人的理论:西比东好Turner claimed that the frontier produced the individualism that is the hallmark of American culture, and that this individualism*4 in turn promoted democratic institutions原则,风俗,习俗,观念 and economic equality*4. He argued for the frontier as an agent推动力 of social change. Most novelists and historians writing in the early to midtwentieth century who considered women in the West*2B, when they considered women at all, fell under Turner’s spell迷恋于T理论的魅力 . In their works these authors tended to glorify women’s contributions to frontier life. Western women, in Turnerian tradition, were a fiercely independent, capable, and durable lot种类(=kind) , free from the constraints binding their eastern sisters. (以下是废话)This interpretation implied that the West provided a congenial environment where women could aspire to their own goals, free from constrictive stereotypes and sexist attitudes. In Turnerian terminology, the frontier had furnished “a gate of escape from the bondage of the past.”(原话要注意)
以下讲两大派的观点By the middle of the twentieth century, the Frontier Thesis fell into ) disfavor among historians. Later, Reactionist反对派认为东比西好 writers took the view that frontier women were lonely, displaced persons in a hostile milieu环境 that intensified the worst aspects of gender relations. The renaissance of the feminist movement during the 1970’s led to the Stasist平衡学派认为东西一样 school, which sidestepped避开,绕开 the good bad dichotomy*7D二分法 and argued that frontier women lived lives similar to*3D the live of women in the East. (以下是废话)In one now-standard text, Faragher demonstrated the persistence of the “cult of true womanhood” and the illusionary quality of change on the westward journey. Recently the Stasist position has been revised but not entirely discounted by new research.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to主题题(写法性+内容性)
provide a framework within which the history of women in nineteenth-century America can be organized
discuss divergent interpretations of women’s experience on the western frontier结论解释型
introduce a new hypothesis about women’s experience in nineteenth-century America
advocate an empirical approach to women’s experience on the western frontier(B)
resolve ambiguities in several theories about women’s experience on the western frontier

2. Which of the following can be inferred about the novelists and historians mentioned in lines 19-20?题(有定位)
They misunderstood the powerful influence of constrictive stereotypes on women in the East.
They assumed that the frontier had offered more opportunities to women*2B than had the East. T派的观点:西比东好
They included accurate information about women’s experiences on the frontier.
They underestimated the endurance and fortitude of frontier women.(B)
They agreed with some of Turner’s assumptions about frontier women, but disagreed with other assumptions that he made.
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