会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:41


Passage 30 结论解释型(美国失业问题)特别套路 主题段落Since the early 1970’s(文章开头时间状语,很可能表示强对比,可能会有极端转折和多重转折,本段要仔细看), historians have begun to devote serious*2A(与2A意思相反,形成对比)attention to the working class in the United States. Yet(转折) while we now have studies of working-class communities and culture, we know remarkably little of worklessness(点题,说明文章要研究的是失业问题). When historians have paid any attention at all to unemployment, they have focused on the Great Depression经济大萧条 of the 1930’s. The narrowness(-)of this perspective ignores(-) the pervasive无所不在,弥漫 recessions and joblessness of the previous decades, as Alexander Keyssar shows in his recent book(特别套路). Examining the period 1870-1920, Keyssar concentrates on Massachusetts, where*8D(之后暂时不用细看) the historical*3D materials are particularly rich, and the findings applicable to other industrial areas*3D.K的成果之一:失业的严重程度The unemployment rates that Keyssar calculates appear to be relatively modest, at least by Great Depression*5 standards(比大萧条轻,暗含一个强对比,可能会出取非题,问大萧条的失业率如何): during the worst years, in the 1870’s and 1890’s*4A, unemployment was around 15 percent. Yet Keyssar rightly(+) understands that a better way*4B to measure the impact of unemployment is to calculate unemployment frequencies—(新名词解释一定要看)measuring the percentage of workers who experience any unemployment in the course of a year. Given this perspective, joblessness looms隐约呈现 much larger(loom与large搭配,指坏事的隐约呈现).
Keyssar also另一个研究成果:影响事业的因素 scrutinizes unemployment patterns according to skill level, ethnicity, race, age, class, and gender. He finds that rates of joblessness differed primarily(最主要的因素) according to 因素一class*6(往下暂时不用看): those in middle-class and white-collar occupations were far less likely to be unemployed. Yet(还有更重要的因素) the impact of unemployment on a specific class was not always the same. Even when dependent on the same trade行业, adjoining 因素二communities*6相邻地区 could have dramatically different unemployment rates. (还在说地理问题)Keyssar uses these differential rates to help explain a phenomenon that has puzzled historians—the startlingly high rate of geographical mobility in the nineteenth-century United States. But(转折) mobility was not the dominant working-class strategy for coping with unemployment, nor was assistance from private charities or state agencies. Self-help自己雇用自己 and the help of kin got most workers through jobless spells一段时间.
总结和评价While Keyssar might have(虚拟,与事实相反)(小-) spent more time developing the implications of his findings on joblessness for contemporary public policy, his study, in its thorough(大+) research and creative(大+) use of quantitative and qualitative evidence, is a model(大+) of historical analysis.

1. The passage is primarily concerned with主题题(写法性)
recommending a new course of investigation
summarizing and assessing a study评述某人理论
making distinctions among categories
criticizing the current state of a field(B)
comparing and contrasting two methods for calculating data

2. The passage suggests that before the early 1970’s(与第一句话形成对比), which of the following was true of the study by historians of the working class in the United States?取非题(对比题)
The study was infrequent or superficial*2A, or both.不太多研究工人阶级
The study was repeatedly criticized for its allegedly narrow focus.
The study relied more on qualitative than quantitative evidence.
The study focused more on the working-class community than on working-class culture.(A)
The study ignored working-class joblessness during the Great Depression.

3. According to the passage, which of the following is true of Keyssar’s findings concerning unemployment in Massachusetts?题(有定位)(第一段末)
They tend to contradict earlier findings about such unemployment.
They are possible because Massachusetts has the most没提到过(慎重对待含有最高级、唯一性和比较句的选项) easily accessible historical records.
They are the first to mention the existence of high rates of geographical mobility in the nineteenth century.
They are relevant to a historical*3D understanding of the nature of unemployment in other states*3D.(D)
They have caused historians to reconsider the role of the working class during the Great Depression.
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