会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


15Why save endangered species?For the
general public, endangered species appear to
be little more than biological oddities.A very
different perception is gained from considering
the issue of extinction in a wider context.The
important point is that many major social
advances have been made on the basis of life
forms whose worth would never have been
perceived in advance.Consider the impact of
rubber-producing plants on contemporary life
and industry:approximatelytwo-thirds of the
world's rubber supply comes from rubber
producing plants and is made into objects as
diverse as rubber washers and rubber boots.

The point of the passage is made chiefly by

      acknowledging the validity oftwo opposing
       points of view
      appealing to the emotions of the audience
       rather than to their intellects
      suggesting a useful perspective for
       viewing the question raised at the
       beginning of the passage
      trying to discredit the view of an opponent
       without presenting an alternative
      generalizing from similar to dissimilar
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