会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


176. For someone suffering from stress, a holiday can act as a tonic, ________ rancor, transforming indecision, and renewing the spirit.
    (A) enhancing
    (B) exaggerating
    (C) manifesting
    (D) dispelling
    (E) compounding
177. For those who admire realism, Louis Malle's recent film succeeds because it consciously ________ the stuff of legend and tells ________ story as it might actually unfold with fallible people in earthly time.
    (A) rejects ... a derivative
    (B) anticipates ... an antiquated
    (C) shuns ... an unembellished
    (D) emulates ... an ethereal
    (E) exaggerates ... a mythic
178. For years no one could make this particular therapy work in animals larger than rodents, but now two research groups have demonstrated its ________ in dogs.
    (A) efficacy
    (B) defects
    (C) variability
    (D) origin
    (E) virulence
179. Fortunately, she was ________ her accomplishments, properly unwilling to ________ them before her friends.
    (A) excited by ... parade
    (B) immodest about ... discuss
    (C) deprecatory about ... flaunt
    (D) uncertain of ... concede
    (E) unaware of ... conceal
180. Fossils may be set in stone, but their interpretation is not; a new find may necessitate the ________ of a traditional theory.
    (A) ambiguity
    (B) revision
    (C) formulation
    (D) validation
    (E) assertion
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