会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43


Questions 1-5
A combination of three fabrics is being chosen to decorate a room. The fabrics must be chosen from a group of seven fabrics-F, G, H, J, K, L, and M-according to the following conditions:
If F or G is chosen, the other must also be chosen.
H and J cannot be chosen together.
Either H or F or both must chosen.
1. Which of the following combinations of fabrics conforms to the conditions?
(A) F, H, J
(B) F, K, L
(C) G, H, M
(D) H, J, L
(E) H, K, M
2. If J is chosen, which of the following pairs of fabrics must also be chosen?
(A) F and G
(B) F and M
(C) G and H
(D) H and K
(E) K and L
3. If K is chosen, which of the following pairs of fabrics could also be chosen?
(A) F and H
(B) F and L
(C) G and H
(D) H and L

(E) L and M

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:44


</p>4. If H and M are chosen, how many of the remaining fabrics could possibly be the third fabric chosen?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5
5. If L is chosen, which of the following fabrics CANNOT be chosen?
(A) G
(B) H
(C) J
(D) K
(E) M
6. In the normal progression of life, people die approximately in order of birth. Therefore, when a younger person predeceases an older person, that death may be especially painful to the survivor, who feels that a law of nature has been violated.
The argument above best supports which of the following conclusbe especially intense.

(E) Parents should not feel guilty of neglect when their children the before them.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:45


</p>7. Researchers have recently argued that ancient Greek coins, seals, and gems with elaborate miniature engravings were produced by artisans whose nearsightedness enabled them to do such intricate work. They also suggest that since nearsightedness is hereditary, guilds and families specializing in this work may have favored the recurrence of nearsightedness.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the researchers' argument?
(A) Roman artisans were influenced by their Greek predecessors and often translated designs of Greek miniature engravings into Roman designs.
(B) Nearsighted individuals are less able than those with ordinary vision to identify objects that are at a great distance from them.
(C)Magnifying glass was not used as a visual aid until the thirteenth century, when Roger Bacon inverted eyeglasses.
(D) Artisans today are unable to reproduce the miniature engravings of ancient Greek artisans without the aid of high-powered magnifying lenses, first produced in the thirteenth century.
(E) The eyesight of nearsighted individuals and those with ordinary vision is not significantly different if the objects viewed are less than a few feet away.
8. Peasants were often faced with a vicious cycle. The manure from their animals was essential for fertilizing their crops, but they often did not have enough crops to feed themselves and their animals, and hence had to slaughter the animals for food.
The cycle is called vicious because
(A) without the animals the peasants would lack the manure for growing their crops
(B) the peasants would become dependent on those who slaughtered the animals
(C) the peasants would want meat in their diet and would be forced to purchase it
(D) successful farming demanded that a farmer rotate crops from one field to another

(E) the animalsare faced with starvation

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:46


</p>Questions 9-14
Exactly five lights-a green one, a yellow one, a red one, a white one, and a blue one-are arrayed in a straight line on a control panel evenly spaced, going from left to right in the order given above. On the control panel, there can be two types of patterns of lights that are on, called X-sequences and Y-sequences.
An X-sequence of lights is a sequence of either three or four lights that are on and evenly spaced with respect to one another.
A Y-sequence of lights is any sequence of lights that are on that is not an X-sequence.
9. Which of the following could be the lights on in a Y-sequence of lights?
(A) Green, yellow, red
(B) Yellow, red, white
(C) Yellow, white, blue
(D) Red, white, blue
(E) Yellow, red, white, blue
10. Which of the following X-sequences of lights must remain an X-sequence if an additional light is turned on?
(A) Green. yellow, red
(B) Green, red, blue
(C) Yellow, red, white
(D) Red, white, blue
(E) Yellow, red, white, blue
11. Which of the following lights must be on in any X-sequence of lights?
(A) Green
(B) Yellow
(C) Red
(D) White
(E) Blue
12. Which of the following X-sequences of lights must turn into a Y-sequence if any one of the five lights is changed, whether the change is from on to off, or from off to on?
(A) Green, yellow, red
(B) Green, red, blue
(C) Yellow, red, white
(D) Green, yellow, red, white

(E) Yellow, red, white, blue

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:47


</p>13. Which of the following operations, if performed on an X-sequence of lights, must result in a Y-sequence?
(A) Turning on one more of the lights
(B) Turning on two more of the lights
(C) Turning off one of the lights that are on
(D) Changing the green light to on if it is off, or to off if it is on
(E) Changing the blue light to on if it is off, or to off if it is on
14. Which of the following operations can be performed only on a Y-sequence of lights?
(A) Turning on two more of the lights
(B) Turing on three more of the lights
(C) Turning off two of the lights that are on
(D) Turning off three of the lights that are on
(E) Turning off four of the lights that are on
Questions 15-18
A weight-lifting contest was first held in 1971 at Cambria College and was held there once a year every succeeding year until it was discontinued after the 1977 contest. In its short history it had exactly four winners: teams P, Q, R, and S. The results were in part as follows:
There were no ties.
S was the only team to win in consecutive years. Neither p nor R won in the first year or the last.
Q did not win in any even-numbered year.
15. If S won in 1971 and also won in 1977, which of the following must be true?
(A) If R won in 1972, p won in 1976.
(B) If Q won twice, S won in 1972.
(C) If S won three times in a row, Q won in 1975.
(D) If P and R won in consecutive year, Q won only once.

(E) If P and R won in even-numbered years only, S won four times.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:48


</p>16. If Q won in 1971 and in 1973 only, and R won in 1972, all of the following must be true
(A) If P won in 1976, S won in 1974.
(B) If R won in 1974, p won in 1975.
(C) If R won in 1975, S won in 1976.
(D) If S won three times in a row, p won in 1974.
(E) If S won in 1974. S also won in 1975.
17. If the list of winners from 1971 to 1977 includes the sequence QPQRS, which of the following could be true?
Ⅰ. S won in 1971 and then won again in 1973.
Ⅱ. S won in 1971 and then won again in 1977.
Ⅲ Q won in 1971.
(A) Ⅰcould, but Ⅱand Ⅲ could not
(B) Ⅱcould, but Ⅰand Ⅲcould not
(C) Ⅰcould, and Ⅱcould, but Ⅲcould not
(D) Ⅰcould, and Ⅲ could, but Ⅱcould not
(E) Ⅱcould, and Ⅲ could, but I could not
18.For which of the following partial lists of winners, given in the order of the years from 1971 to 1977, is there only one way of substituting winners for the blanks?
(A) _, R, P, _, P, S, _
(B) _, S, S, R, _, R, _
(C) S, S, S, _, Q, _, Q
(D) _, P, R, P, R, _, _

(E) S, S, _, P, Q, R, _

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:49


</p>Questions 19-22
Each of seven objects-T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z-is placed either on the lower, middle, or top shelf of a three-shelf bookcase that contains no other objects.
At least two objects are on the top shelf.
No more than four objects are on any shelf.
T and U are on different shelves.
V is either one shelf or two shelves above the shelf that X is on.
W is either one shelf or two shelves above the shelf that X is on.
19. If V and W are the only object on one of the shelves, and four objects are on the middle shelf, which of the following must be true?
(A) T is on the middle shelf.
(B) U is on the bottom shelf.
(C) X is on the bottom shelf.
(D) Y is on the top shelf.
(E) Z is on the middle shelf.
20. If al the objects are on two shelves, which of the following must be true?
(A) At least three objects are on the top shelf.
(B) No more than three objects are on the middle shelf.
(C) T, V, and W are on the top shelf.
(D) U is on the top shelf.
(E) X is on the bottom shelf.
21. If V and T are the only objects on one of the shelves, which of the following must be true?
(A) W is on the top shelf.
(B) X is on the bottom shelf.
(C) U is on either the middle or top shelf.
(D) If U and Y are on different shelves, Z is on the top shelf.
(E) If Y is on the bottom shelf, Z is on the middle shelf.
22. If T, V, Y, and Z are on the same shelf, which of the following must be true?
(A) U is not on the middle shelf.
(B) W is not on the middle shelf.
(C) X is alone on a shelf.
(D) If U is on the top shelf, W is also on the top shelf.

(E) If X is one shelf below W, U is on the top shelf.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:50


</p>23. If a physician can be confident in his or her diagnosis of acute illness, especially when that diagnosis is supported by repeated contact with the patient during treatment, the treatment prescribed will be conservative. This is one reason that treatment for a specific illness usually costs more in hospital emergency rooms than in physicians' private offices.
All of the following, if true, explain why treat- ment in an emergency room costs more than treatment in a physician's private office
(A) The medical equipment in hospital emergency rooms is more sophisticated and elaborated than that found in physicians' private offices.
(B) When patients come to physicians' private offices, the state of their illness is usually such that physicians have time to try one test or medication at a time in order to monitor the results.
(C) The variety of illnesses treated by emergency room physicians is much smaller than the variety treated by physicians in their offices.
(D) The illness of many patients who apply for emergency room treatment is so severe that physicians apply several remedies at once in the hope of obtaining immediate results.
(E) In emergency rooms a patient is often attended by nurses, paramedics, and physicians, whereas visits of private office rarely involve more than two staff members.
24. Industries can and will build new plants in a world of high environmental standards. But in a world of uncertainty, where the standards that must be met can change and construction that was once acceptable can be halted because it conflicts with newly passed regulations, new factories simply will not be built.
Which of the following proposals, if accepted, would work most to reduce the threat to the construction of new factories described in the passage above?
(A) Environmental cases involving construction should be heard and decided by the courts as quickly as possible.
(B) Environmental regulations should be published widely as soon as they are established.
(C) The government should pay for all recently completed factories to be brought up to new environmental standards.
(D) Industries should conform to strict environmental standards without delay.
(E) Environmental standards for any factory should not be altered once construction is underway.
25. In this day and age, the Constitution is a fallible and incomplete guide to national policymaking. Instead of three branches of government- legislative, executive, and judicial-each with its clearly defined sphere of competence and activity, as the Constitution prescribes, there may be five branches of government dealing with any particular subject matter, or seven, or twenty, or only one, with legislative, executive, and judicial roles mixed and distributed throughout the national government.
The persuasiveness of the claim made above is most weakened by its vague use of the phrase
(A) this day and age
(B) fallible and incomplete
(C) guide to national policymaking
(D) branches of government
(E) mixed and distributed
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查看完整版本: 2011年GRE北美模拟试题7