会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


以下是gre考生参加2011年11月北美新gre机考作文的题目,并且附注了他所参加考试的考点信息,希望对其他新g考生有所帮助。   考试时间:2011年11月11日
  Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has b een admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition
  The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of a food distribution company with food storage warehouses in several cities
"Recently, we signed a contract with the Fly-Away Pest Control Company to provide pest control services at our fast-food warehouse in Palm City, but last month we discovered that over $20,000 worth of food there had been destroyed by pest damage. Meanwhile, the Buzzoff Pest Control Company, which we have used for many years, continued to service our warehouse in Wintervale, and last month only $10,000 worth of the food stored there had been destroyed by pest damage. Even though the price charged by Fly-Away is considerably lower, our best means of saving money is to return to Buzzoff for all our pest control services."
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