会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20


Residents of large cities are moving to small towns and small cities in
record numbers seeking not only intimacy and peace, but a place where their
actions count. They are fed up with an ineffectual, unresponsive big government
that interferes in their lives and is no longer able to provide the services
it has promised.
If one wished to argue that a move to a small town or city would not solve the
problem of the interference of big government, which of the following, if true
would be most likely to support that claim?

Most people born in big cities never move away, preferring the unique
advantages a big city offers.
The government agencies most often perceived as unresponsive are national
agencies, whose policies are uniform across the nation.
Over fifty percent of the new arrivals in small towns and small cities in
the 1970’s were farmers or farm employees from rural areas.
Governmental structures in some large cities are more responsive to
individual needs than one would imagine.
Long-time residents of small towns believe that the image of small-town
life as intimate and peaceful is erroneous.


Government employment programs can reduce unemployment not just by the jobs
that they create. Such programs give rise to new jobs in private business as
well. Each worker in a public mass transit project, for example, requires
tools and materials, the production of which stimulates employment in the
private industries that produce them.
The author’s point is made chiefly by

citing a causal relationship
presenting an analogy as fact
presenting an overview
appealing to emotions
posing a question to be answered


The marketing researcher was interested only in the attitudes that those
interviewed had toward vacationing in Florida. Yet in an effort to obtain
valid information, she did not reveal that Florida’s Bureau of Tourism was
sponsoring her research; she asked participants in the interviews to give
opinions on and express preferences among many places for vacationing, a
technique that yielded as much information on Europe and California as on
A plausible explanation for the researcher’s strategy is that she
believed that the participants

were from a variety of backgrounds and hence had a variety of opinions
about vacationing
had attitudes toward Florida that were more easily predicted than were
their opinions on other places for vacationing
would tend to express favorable opinions when they thought such responses
would please the sponsor of the research
would speak honestly about places for vacationing only during direct
were more knowledgeable and candid about Europe and California than about



会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21


Two collectors, Frank and Gloria, are each selecting a group of three
wildlife prints from a group of seven prints—T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. No
print can be in both groups. The selections made by Frank and Gloria are
subject to the following restrictions:
 If U is in Frank’s group, W must be in Gloria’s group.
 If X is in Frank’s group, Z must be Gloria’s group.
 T and Z cannot be in the same group.
 W and Y cannot be in the same group.
If X is in Frank’s group, any of the following could be in Gloria’s group


Which of the following pairs of groups selected by Frank and Gloria conform
to the restrictions?
   Frank Gloria
T, U, V W, X, Y
T, U, Z V, W, X,
U, X, Z T, W, Y
V, W, X U, Y, Z
W, Y, Z T, U, X


If U is in Frank’s group, which of the following is true?
T must be in Frank’s group.
Y must be in Frank’s group.
V must be in Gloria’s group.
X cannot be in Frank’s group.
Y cannot be in Gloria’s group.


If U and X and in Frank’s group, Gloria’s group must consist of
T, W, and Y
T, Y, and Z
V, W, and Z
V, Y, and Z
W, Y, and Z


If T is in Gloria’s group, which of the following is true?
U cannot be in Frank’s group.
X cannot be in Frank’s group.-
Y cannot be in Gloria’s group.
Z must be in Frank’s group.
Z must be in Gloria’s group.



会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22


A student making out a course schedule for September through June
must take one physics course, three English courses, Math 1 and 2, and
History 1, 2, 3, and 4.
 Each course is one month long and must always be taken alone.
 Physics can only be taken after Math 1 has been taken.
 Math 2 can only be taken after physics has been taken.
 English courses cannot be taken in consecutive months.
 History 1 and 2 must be taken in consecutive months.
 History 3 and 4 must be taken in consecutive months.
The student can take the two math courses in
any of the following pairs of months EXCEPT
September and June
October and January
November and January
December and June
February and May


If the student takes history courses in September and June, in which months,
other than September and June, will it be IMPOSSIBLE to take a math course?
October and January only
January and February only
October and May only
October, January, February, and May only
October, December, January, and May only


If the student wishes to take two math courses, one history course, and one
English course from September to January, she must take
math in September
physics in November
math in December
English in December
English in March

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